OPS11-BP06 Validate insights - AWS Well-Architected Framework

OPS11-BP06 Validate insights

Review your analysis results and responses with cross-functional teams and business owners. Use these reviews to establish common understanding, identify additional impacts, and determine courses of action. Adjust responses as appropriate.

Desired outcomes:

  • You review insights with business owners on a regular basis. Business owners provide additional context to newly-gained insights.

  • You review insights and request feedback from technical peers, and you share your learnings across teams.

  • You publish data and insights for other technical and business teams to review. You factor in your learnings to new practices by other departments.

  • Summarize and review new insights with senior leaders. Senior leaders use new insights to define strategy.

Common anti-patterns:

  • You release a new feature. This feature changes some of your customer behaviors. Your observability does not take these changes into account. You do not quantify the benefits of these changes.

  • You push a new update and neglect refreshing your CDN. The CDN cache is no longer compatible with the latest release. You measure the percentage of requests with errors. All of your users report HTTP 400 errors when communicating with backend servers. You investigate the client errors and find that because you measured the wrong dimension, your time was wasted.

  • Your service-level agreement stipulates 99.9% uptime, and your recovery point objective is four hours. The service owner maintains that the system is zero downtime. You implement an expensive and complex replication solution, which wastes time and money.

Benefits of establishing this best practice:

  • When you validate insights with business owners and subject matter experts, you establish common understanding and more effectively guide improvement.

  • You discover hidden issues and factor them into future decisions.

  • Your focus moves from technical outcomes to business outcomes.

Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: Medium

Implementation guidance

  • Validate insights: Engage with business owners and subject matter experts to ensure there is common understanding and agreement of the meaning of the data you have collected. Identify additional concerns, potential impacts, and determine a courses of action.


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