REL05-BP03 Control and limit retry calls - AWS Well-Architected Framework

REL05-BP03 Control and limit retry calls

Use exponential backoff to retry requests at progressively longer intervals between each retry. Introduce jitter between retries to randomize retry intervals. Limit the maximum number of retries.

Desired outcome: Typical components in a distributed software system include servers, load balancers, databases, and DNS servers. During normal operation, these components can respond to requests with errors that are temporary or limited, and also errors that would be persistent regardless of retries. When clients make requests to services, the requests consume resources including memory, threads, connections, ports, or any other limited resources. Controlling and limiting retries is a strategy to release and minimize consumption of resources so that system components under strain are not overwhelmed.

When client requests time out or receive error responses, they should determine whether or not to retry. If they do retry, they do so with exponential backoff with jitter and a maximum retry value. As a result, backend services and processes are given relief from load and time to self-heal, resulting in faster recovery and successful request servicing.

Common anti-patterns:

  • Implementing retries without adding exponential backoff, jitter, and maximum retry values. Backoff and jitter help avoid artificial traffic spikes due to unintentionally coordinated retries at common intervals.

  • Implementing retries without testing their effects or assuming retries are already built into an SDK without testing retry scenarios.

  • Failing to understand published error codes from dependencies, leading to retrying all errors, including those with a clear cause that indicates lack of permission, configuration error, or another condition that predictably will not resolve without manual intervention.

  • Not addressing observability practices, including monitoring and alerting on repeated service failures so that underlying issues are made known and can be addressed.

  • Developing custom retry mechanisms when built-in or third-party retry capabilities suffice.

  • Retrying at multiple layers of your application stack in a manner which compounds retry attempts further consuming resources in a retry storm. Be sure to understand how these errors affect your application the dependencies you rely on, then implement retries at only one level.

  • Retrying service calls that are not idempotent, causing unexpected side effects like duplicated results.

Benefits of establishing this best practice: Retries help clients acquire desired results when requests fail but also consume more of a server’s time to get the successful responses they want. When failures are rare or transient, retries work well. When failures are caused by resource overload, retries can make things worse. Adding exponential backoff with jitter to client retries allows servers to recover when failures are caused by resource overload. Jitter avoids alignment of requests into spikes, and backoff diminishes load escalation caused by adding retries to normal request load. Finally, it’s important to configure a maximum number of retries or elapsed time to avoid creating backlogs that produce metastable failures.

Level of risk exposed if this best practice is not established: High

Implementation guidance

Control and limit retry calls. Use exponential backoff to retry after progressively longer intervals. Introduce jitter to randomize retry intervals and limit the maximum number of retries.

Some AWS SDKs implement retries and exponential backoff by default. Use these built-in AWS implementations where applicable in your workload. Implement similar logic in your workload when calling services that are idempotent and where retries improve your client availability. Decide what the timeouts are and when to stop retrying based on your use case. Build and exercise testing scenarios for those retry use cases.

Implementation steps

  • Determine the optimal layer in your application stack to implement retries for the services your application relies on.

  • Be aware of existing SDKs that implement proven retry strategies with exponential backoff and jitter for your language of choice, and favor these over writing your own retry implementations.

  • Verify that services are idempotent before implementing retries. Once retries are implemented, be sure they are both tested and regularly exercise in production.

  • When calling AWS service APIs, use the AWS SDKs and AWS CLI and understand the retry configuration options. Determine if the defaults work for your use case, test, and adjust as needed.


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