Performance efficiency pillar - Hybrid Networking Lens

Performance efficiency pillar

The performance efficiency pillar focuses on the efficient use of computing resources to meet requirements and maintain efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve.

Best Practices

There are four best practice areas for Performance Efficiency in the cloud:

  • Selection

  • Review

  • Monitoring

  • Tradeoffs

Use a data-driven approach to select a high-performance architecture. Gather data on all aspects of the architecture, from the high-level design to the selection and configuration of resource types. Review your choices on a cyclical basis to ensure that you are taking advantage of the continually evolving AWS platform. Monitor your workload to ensure that you are aware of any deviance from expected performance. Understand where you can make architecture tradeoffs to improve performance, such using VPN over internet vs dedicated circuits via AWS Direct Connect for your hybrid connectivity or terminating your hybrid connectivity on Virtual Private gateway instead of Transit Gateway.


There are multiple technology and design choices to consider when setting up hybrid networking connectivity on AWS. Each option has its own performance characteristics and considerations. Understand your performance requirements to make the right selection.

These are our general recommendations:

  1. Choose VPN (encrypted tunnels over the internet), AWS Direct Connect (dedicated fiber connectivity), or both.

  2. Select the right termination endpoints in AWS.

    • VPN options include AWS Transit Gateway, a customer-managed EC2 instance, and a virtual private gateway. You can optionally enable acceleration for your Site-to-Site VPN connection to AWS Transit Gateway.

      This image shows different VPN connectivity options that you can use when creating a hybrid networking architecture.

      VPN connectivity options

    • AWS Direct Connect options include virtual private gateway, Direct Connect gateway and virtual private gateway, or Direct Connect gateway and AWS Transit Gateway. Select Direct Connect locations where you perform a standard cross-connect between customer/service provider router and AWS device. For a list of Direct Connect locations, refer to AWS Direct Connect Locations.

This image shows the different Direct Connect connectivity options you can use when create a hybrid netwrking architecture.

Direct Connect connectivity options

Based on your bandwidth requirements, a single VPN or Direct Connect connection might not be sufficient and you will have to architect the hybrid networking setup to enable traffic load balancing across multiple connections.

HN_PERF1: How do you decide between AWS Direct Connect and AWS VPN as your connectivity option?
HN_PERF2: Determine and define your performance requirements using bandwidth, latency and jitter values.

Before you design the best performing architecture, define what performance means for you and the parameters involved. Typically, performance metrics are based around bandwidth (rate of data transfer), latency (round trip time for a network packet to travel form source to destination), and jitter (variation in latency). Start by estimating the bandwidth and latency requirements of your hybrid networking applications. For existing apps that are moving to AWS, a good way to get these estimates is to rely on data from your internal monitoring systems. For new apps or existing apps for which you don’t have monitoring data, talk to the app/product owners to understand what traffic load is expected on the system, what network dependencies does the application have and what are the acceptable latency numbers to ensure good customer experience. Match these estimates with the options available from AWS to determine which technology you should choose, and the appropriate configuration.

Deciding between AWS Direct Connect and AWS VPN as your connectivity option

Based on your requirements (bandwidth, latency, jitter), you can either choose to establish VPN connectivity using AWS VPN or AWS Direct Connect (or both). The following information will help you guide the path to take.

Table 1 - Guided path for deciding between AWS VPN and AWS Direct Connect

Characteristic AWS VPN AWS Direct Connect
Bandwidth Low-Medium: Depends on customer internet connection and VPN device constraints. At the AWS end, you can scale the VPN bandwidth by creating multiple VPN connections High: Each Direct Connect connection can be up to 100 Gbps with option to scale bandwidth by adding additional connections.

Medium-high: Traffic traverses the internet and can flow through multiple hops.

Note: Leveraging accelerated VPN could result in lower latency.

Low-Medium: Traffic traverses private circuit between AWS, third-party cloud provider, customer and has the minimal number of hops. In certain circumstances (outside customers control) like when there is a failure, higher latency can be possible.

Medium: It’s hard to predict the number of hops the traffic traverses over the internet and the congestion (or lack thereof) at these hops.

Note: Leveraging accelerated VPN could result in lower jitter.

Low-medium: Traffic traverses private circuit and does not have the same uncertainties of internet. In certain rare circumstances (outside customers control) like when there is failure, higher jitter can be possible.

As depicted in the previous table, the best performing and recommended option is AWS Direct Connect for production workloads. To get started quickly while getting good performance for your development/sandbox environments, choose AWS VPN. It is very important to always work backwards for your use case and requirements to make the right technology choice. You can also choose a hybrid design where they leverage both AWS VPN and AWS Direct Connect.

HN_PERF3: How do you select the best performing hybrid VPN architecture?

Selecting the right VPN termination endpoint at the AWS end:

There are four termination options at the AWS end. The VPN performance and scalability will vary based on which option you choose. For each option it’s important to understand the bandwidth and scalability characteristics.

  1. Termination at the virtual private gateway:

    Bandwidth - Up to 1.25 Gbps per VPN connection.

    Scalability - Load balancing traffic across multiple VPN connections for a given prefix is not enabled on the virtual private gateway. Since the gateway can only attach to a single VPC, you can get up to 1.25 Gbps per VPC for a given on-premises prefix you advertise.

    This image shows what your environment will look like if you terminate at a Virtual Private Gateway.

    Termination at virtual gateway

  2. Termination on AWS Transit Gateway:

    Bandwidth - Up to 1.25 Gbps per VPN tunnel. Each VPN attachment allows you to create two VPN tunnels, with BGP ECMP load balancing enabled you can get a total of 2.5 Gbps per VPN attachment.

    Scalability - Create multiple VPN attachments and scale the aggregate bandwidth by load balancing traffic across these VPN connections. To make sure that ECMP is active, the BGP path cost of all the links should be the same that is, AS PATH length should be the same and you should have no or same MED values tagged to a given prefix across all connections. The bandwidth you get is aggregate for all the VPCs that AWS Transit Gateway attaches to.

    This image shows what your environment will look like if you terminate at a Transit Gateway.

    Termination at Transit Gateway

    Boost performance with accelerated Site-to-Site VPN – Optionally, you can enable acceleration for your Site-to-Site VPN connection. An accelerated Site-to-Site VPN connection (accelerated VPN connection) uses AWS Global Accelerator to route traffic from your on-premises network to an AWS edge location that is closest to your customer gateway device. AWS Global Accelerator optimizes the network path, using the congestion-free AWS global network to route traffic to the endpoint that provides the best application performance. You can use an accelerated VPN connection to avoid network disruptions that might occur when traffic is routed over the public internet. VPN tunnel bandwidth remains same as when terminating directly on AWS Transit Gateway, but you get better latency, jitter, and overall performance with an accelerated VPN connection.

  3. Termination on a customer-managed EC2 instance running virtual VPN appliance:

    Bandwidth - The bandwidth is dependent on the type/size of the EC2 instance and the capabilities of the VPN software running on the EC2 instance. The maximum network throughput to the internet from an EC2 instance varies based on EC2 instance type and size. Instance flow limits (10 Gbps within a placement group and 5 Gbps otherwise) should be considered as well.

    Scalability – You can scale the number of EC2 instances and create multiple VPN tunnels to these virtual appliances. Within a VPC route table you can only have single ENI as next hop for a destination prefix, in order to distribute load across EC2 instances you need to designate different EC2 instances as next hop targets for different prefixes. You are responsible for the overall management of the EC2 instances and ensuring availability.

    This image shows how you can terminate and EC2 instance.

    Termination on an EC2 instance

    HN_PERF4: How do you select the best performing hybrid architecture leveraging AWS Direct Connect?

Choosing the right AWS Direct Connect location:

Getting an AWS direct connect connection is to decide on a direct connect location where you will establish a cross connect with AWS. You can connect to AWS at any of the direct connect locations and get access to all AWS regions globally (except China). A key factor in deciding on which direct location to choose is latency. The latency you get when choosing Direct Connect as your hybrid connectivity option is dependent on two factors – the distance between your data center and the Direct Connect location where you connect into and the distance between the Direct Connect location and the AWS Region you are connecting into.

When deciding on a Direct Connect location, minimize the combined latency of these two factors. Latency is directly proportional to geographical distance and hence you should choose locations that minimize the overall distance. As you choose multiple Direct Connect locations for High-availability it’s key to choose direct connect locations that are geographically apart; striking a balance between and latency and high-availability is important.

This image shows an example of choosing the coorect AWS Direct Connect path.

Choosing the correct AWS Direct Connect location

Choosing the right termination endpoint on AWS end:

Once you have established cross connect to an AWS device at an AWS Direct Connect location, there are two options on how you can access VPC resources within an AWS Region.

  1. Private virtual interface to AWS Direct Connect Gateway which is associated to a virtual private gateway.

  2. Transit virtual interface to AWS Direct Connect Gateway which is associated to a virtual private gateway.

Both options offer high bandwidth, scalability, and low latency. However, when using transit virtual interface to connect to AWS Transit Gateway, you are limited by the bandwidth of the AWS Transit Gateway attachment (up to 50 Gbps). Of the two options, we recommended using transit virtual interface as it enables a hub and spoke topology which scales better and is easier to manage, unless you have a requirement for bandwidth speeds in the range of hundreds of Gbps.

Choosing the right AWS infrastructure location for deploying your workloads:

While it has been assumed throughout this document that your infrastructure will be deployed in an AWS region, for workloads that require very low-latency or local data processing, you can bring AWS infrastructure closer to you by leveraging AWS Local Zones.

AWS Local Zones are a new type of AWS infrastructure designed to run workloads that require single-digit millisecond latency, such as video rendering and graphics intensive, and virtual desktop applications. AWS Local Zones have their own connection to the internet and support AWS Direct Connect, so resources created in the Local Zone can serve local end-users with very low-latency communications.

When connecting to a Local Zone via AWS Direct Connect, you can create a private virtual interface (leveraging Direct Connect gateway) which allows connectivity directly to the VPC associated with the Local Zone. For more information, refer to the Amazon VPC User Guide. This creates a direct traffic path between your data centers and the local zone allowing you to achieve latency as low as 1-2ms.

Note: If you are using a transit virtual interface, traffic is first sent to the transit gateway in the AWS region before being forwarded to the local zone. For low-latency traffic we recommend creating a private virtual interface when connecting to a Local Zone.

Scaling your direct connect connection bandwidth:

AWS currently offers Direct Connect connections with speeds up to 100 Gbps. You can aggregate up to two 100 Gbps (or up to four 10Gbps) connections in a LAG, to get up to 200 Gbps of bandwidth. A link aggregation group (LAG) is a logical interface that uses the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) to aggregate multiple connections at a single AWS Direct Connect endpoint, allowing you to treat them as a single, managed connection. All connections in a LAG operate in Active/Active mode.

Increase bandwidth by load balancing traffic across multiple Direct Connect connections at a single Direct Connect location using BGP Equal-cost multipath (ECMP). Advertise the same prefixes with the same BGP attribute values (ex: AS PATH) on virtual interfaces you create over multiple connections to enable this behavior. When you have Direct Connect connections across multiple Direct Connect locations, by default, AWS uses the distance from the local Region to the AWS Direct Connect location to determine the virtual interface/connection to send the traffic (assuming you are advertising same prefixes) over the different VIF/connections’ across Direct Connect locations. You can modify this behavior by tagging the prefixes you advertise over virtual interfaces with BGP communities. To load balance traffic across multiple AWS Direct Connect connections, apply the same community tag to the prefixes you advertise across the connections.

Note: When multiple paths exist for the same advertised prefix, BGP community preference (high, medium, low) value takes priority over AS PATH length when making a routing decision. If you tag your prefixes across multiple connections with the same BGP community, then the AS PATH length is looked at to determine which connection to send the traffic to. Same AS PATH lengths across multiple connections in this case will result in ECMP load balancing.


See the AWS Well-Architected Framework whitepaper for best practices in the review area for performance efficiency that apply to hybrid networking .


Monitoring and tracking the performance of your hybrid networking connectivity is important. Often, you deploy your hybrid networking connectivity for an initial set of applications but as time progresses more and more apps start using this existing connectivity. This can lead to a low-performing or over-subscribed link. Rely on Amazon CloudWatch metrics and your on-premises (and/or service provider) device and router metrics for tracking the performance of your VPN and Direct Connect connection. If your applications are experiencing less than ideal performance, you must identify the root cause and fix it. For AWS service related issues, you can open an AWS Support ticket, while in other cases, re-architecting for scalability might be needed.

HN_PERF5: How do you monitor and scale your hybrid connectivity post launch to ensure they are performing as expected?

Tracking and estimating growing usage of VPN or Direct Connect connectivity:

Every time you deploy a new hybrid networking application, estimate the bandwidth requirements ahead of time to ensure that you are not oversubscribing the existing hybrid network connectivity link. To track the usage of a VPN connection, rely on Amazon CloudWatch metrics for VPN (we recommend TunnelDataIn and TunnelDataOut metrics), and your on-premises VPN device metrics. For Direct Connect, rely on Amazon CloudWatch metrics (we recommend the ConnectionBpsIngress and ConnectionBpsEgress metrics). Additionally, look at customer device metrics and, if applicable, metrics provided by your network service provider or circuit provider.

Increasing VPN or Direct Connect bandwidth:

When using VPN, if excessive latency and jitter are seen due to internet congestion, the best option might be moving to accelerated VPN or AWS Direct Connect. If VPN bandwidth is the limiting factor, depending on what limit is, you might want to get a more capable VPN termination device on premises or move to a different VPN termination endpoint in AWS. If your VPN is shutting down on a virtual private gateway, you should move the VPN endpoint to AWS Transit Gateway, which enables you to achieve higher VPN throughput at the AWS end using BGP ECMP load balancing across different VPN tunnels. You can do this without having to make any changes on your customer gateway. Using the ModifyVpnConnection API or the AWS Management Console, you can update the target gateway of a VPN connection. This preserves the endpoint's IP addresses on AWS, and the tunnel options such as inside-tunnel Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) and pre-shared keys. After you have moved to AWS Transit Gateway, add additional VPN connections and enable ECMP load balancing across all the VPN tunnels.

When using Direct Connect, you can add more capacity and load balance traffic across the old and new connections. You can add capacity one of two ways:

  • Add more connections in a Link Aggregation Group (LAG) – you can request additional Direct Connect connections at the same Direct Connect location and place them in a LAG. All connections in the LAG shut down on the same AWS Direct Connect device. You can bundle up to four Direct Connect connections in a LAG. Since we implement same-chassis LAG at the AWS end, your new connections also land on the same AWS device as your previous connections. This might not always be possible, especially if there are no empty ports on the existing AWS device.

Note: All connections in the LAG must have the same bandwidth.

  • Add more individual Direct Connect connections (no LAG) and load balance traffic across all the connections using BGP ECMP. When the added connections are in the same Direct Connect location, ensure that the ECMP is active, the BGP path cost of all the links should be the same, and the AS PATH length should be the same. When the added connections are spread across multiple direct connect locations, tag your prefixes with the same community tag in addition to ensuring same BGP path cost across the connections.

Estimating how AWS Direct Connect connection failures impact your application performance:

Failures often leave your hybrid networking connectivity in a degraded state, which affects performance. To ensure that failures don’t affect performance, architect and implement your connectivity in a way that upon failure, your connectivity can still meet the load of your workloads. You can either set up your Direct Connect connections to be Active/Active or Active/Passive. If using Active/Passive, your passive connection should have the same performance metrics as your primary connectivity. Essentially, you are provisioning twice the capacity of what your requirement is and using half of it at any given time. This is same for Active/Active, with the only difference being that you are using both the links at half capacity.

As your connectivity requirements change and you need to scale your primary connection bandwidth, scale the passive or secondary links as well. It’s also important to frequently test for failure scenarios to make sure that your application experience is not degraded when switching to the backup connectivity links.


HN_PERF6: How do you use tradeoffs to improve network performance?

When deciding on which technology to choose (VPN vs dedicated circuits) or which termination endpoint to choose (EC2 instance vs TGW for VPN termination), consider the tradeoff between performance, cost, and ease/time to setup. Understanding the tradeoffs will help you choose the right tool for the right job.

Tradeoffs between AWS VPN and AWS Direct Connect on cost and time to setup:

The following tables show different factors to consider when making a choice between AWS VPN and Direct Connect.

Table 2 - Tradeoffs between AWS VPN and AWS Direct Connect on cost and time to setup

Tradeoff AWS VPN AWS Direct Connect
Cost Low: If you have an active already paid for internet connection at the customer end, you pay for AWS VPN costs. Low-Medium: Data transfer out cost over Direct Connect is lower than that over VPN. If you don’t have existing circuits to a Direct Connect location, you may have to pay for circuit costs to your service provider in addition to AWS Direct connect hourly charge.
Time to Setup Low: If you have an internet connection at the customer end, VPN can be established in minutes. Low-Medium: If you already have a circuit to a Direct Connect location, AWS Direct connect can be setup in few days. If you don’t have a circuit, circuit setup times can vary in the range of weeks.

Medium: medium bandwidth (based on internet speeds), medium-high latency (unpredictable number of hops), medium-high jitter (unknown hops, internet congestion).

Note: Leveraging accelerated VPN could lead to reduced (low-medium) latency and jitter.

High: high bandwidth (upto 100 Gbps), low latency and minimal jitter (private circuit with predictable number of hops).

Example: Where you can tradeoff performance for time to setup - If you want to get your developers connectivity to development or sandbox VPC’s quickly to start experimenting, then VPN is the recommended approach.

Example: Where you can tradeoff time to setup for performance - For production workloads, where performance is critical and you have a longer time to plan things, AWS Direct Connect is the recommended approach.

Table 3 - Tradeoffs between AWS VPN and VPN termination on EC2 instances

Tradeoff Virtual appliance on EC2 instance AWS VPN (on AWS Transit Gateway)
Cost Medium - High: You pay for EC2 instance pricing (2 or more instances for HA) in addition to any third-party licensing fees. Low: You pay for AWS VPN costs (hourly charge + data transfer).
Setup complexity and management overhead High: Management and maintenance of EC2 instances is customer responsibility. Low: AWS VPN is a fully managed solution.
Scalability and performance Low-medium: You can vertically scale an EC2 instance to get higher bandwidth. Horizontal scalability is limited due to how egress traffic can be load balanced to multiple ENI’s in a VPC route table. High: You can scale VPN bandwidth by provisioning more VPN connections and load balancing traffic using ECMP.
3rd party features High: You can choose a third-party vendor software to get additional functionality like DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN, a Cisco VPN protocol). Low-medium: AWS VPN doesn’t support third-party proprietary features like DMVPN.

Example: Where you can tradeoff performance for third-party features - If you standardize on using DMVP for all your sites and want to quickly setup connectivity to a dev environment, the recommended approach is to use a third-party virtual appliance like Cisco CSR to terminate VPN.

Example: Where you can tradeoff third-party features for performance - If you standardize on using DMVP for all your sites and but want a fully managed, scalable solution for your production workloads, the recommended approach is to take time to move to IPSEC VPN connectivity leveraging AWS VPN.


Refer to the following resources to learn more about our best practices related to performance efficiency.

