Communication layer - IoT Lens

Communication layer

The communication layer handles the connectivity, message routing among remote devices, and routing between devices and the cloud. The communication layer lets you establish how IoT messages are sent and received by devices, and how devices represent and store their physical state in the cloud.

AWS IoT Core helps you build IoT applications by providing a managed message broker that supports the use of the MQTT protocol to publish and subscribe IoT messages between devices.

With the AWS IoT Device Shadow service, you can create a data store that contains the current state of a particular device. The Device Shadow service maintains a virtual representation of each of your devices you connect to AWS IoT as a distinct device shadow. Each device's shadow is uniquely identified by the name of the corresponding thing.

AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is a fully managed LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS) that enables you to connect wireless devices that use the LoRaWAN protocol for low-power, long-range wide area network connectivity with the AWS Cloud. This can be useful in use cases such as asset tracking, irrigation management, logistics and transportation management and smart cities.

With Amazon API Gateway, your IoT applications can make HTTP requests to control your IoT devices. IoT applications require API interfaces for internal systems, such as dashboards for remote technicians, and external systems, such as a home consumer mobile application. With Amazon API Gateway, you can create common API interfaces without provisioning and managing the underlying infrastructure.