MLCOST-11: Select local training for small scale experiments - Machine Learning Lens

MLCOST-11: Select local training for small scale experiments

Evaluate the requirements to train an ML model in the cloud versus on a local machine. Use local option when experimenting across different algorithms and configurations with small data sizes. For large data, launch a cloud-based training cluster with one or more compute instances. Right size the compute instances in the training cluster based on the workload.

Implementation plan

  • Use Amazon SageMaker - While experimenting with training a model with small datasets, use Amazon SageMaker notebook local mode. This will train your model on the notebook instance itself, instead of on a separate managed training cluster. You can iterate and test your work without having to wait for a new training or hosting cluster each time. This saves both time and cost associated with creating a managed training cluster. Experimentation can also occur outside of a notebook, for example on a local machine. From your local machine, you can use the SageMaker SDK to train and deploy models on AWS.


