Networking and content delivery - Performance Efficiency Pillar

Networking and content delivery

The optimal networking solution for a workload varies based on latency, throughput requirements, jitter, and bandwidth. Physical constraints, such as user or on-premises resources, determine location options. These constraints can be offset with edge locations or resource placement.

On AWS, networking is virtualized and is available in a number of different types and configurations. This makes it easier to match your networking needs. AWS offers product features (for example, Enhanced Networking, Amazon EC2 networking optimized instances, Amazon S3 transfer acceleration, and dynamic Amazon CloudFront) to optimize network traffic. AWS also offers networking features (for example, Amazon RouteĀ 53 latency routing, Amazon VPC endpoints, AWS Direct Connect, and AWS Global Accelerator) to reduce network distance or jitter.

This focus area shares guidance and best practices to design, configure, and operate efficient networking and content delivery solutions in the cloud.