Best Practice 17.7 – Evaluate the cost benefits of automation - SAP Lens

Best Practice 17.7 – Evaluate the cost benefits of automation

The benefits of adopting automation in AWS can include improved efficiency and productivity, which can translate into lower costs for your organization.

Suggestion 17.7.1 – Evaluate build automation efficiencies

Automation of the build process by using infrastructure as code has cost efficiencies which can improve your time to market and productivity. The advantages of quality, consistency, repeatability, and recoverability that DevOps best practices can introduce need to be balanced against a higher upfront investment in the development of automation.

Working with AWS Professional Services or an AWS Partner can reduce the overall effort by leveraging their experience.

AWS Launch Wizard for SAP can accelerate SAP deployments with automation. It’s a service that guides you through the sizing, configuration and deployment of SAP HANA applications on AWS following SAP best practice. The service is available at no additional cost, with support provided by AWS.

Suggestion 17.7.2 – Evaluate automation efficiencies for operations

Reduce the cost and manual effort of repeatable tasks by investigating how AWS and third-party tools could be used to automate the running and monitoring of operations. Consider the following:

Further guidance can be found in [Operational Excellence] Best Practice 3.6 - Use automation to perform SAP landscape operations.