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Analysis and visualization
After processing the data and making it available for further
analysis, you need the right tools to analyze and visualize the
processed data.
In many cases, you can perform data analysis using the same
tools you use for processing data. You can use tools such as
Workbench to analyze your data in Amazon Redshift with
ANSI SQL. Amazon Redshift also works well with popular
third-party BI solutions available on the market, such as
Tableau and
Amazon QuickSight is a fast, cloud-powered BI service that
enables you to create visualizations, perform analysis as
needed, and quickly get business insights from your data. Amazon QuickSight offers native integration with AWS data sources such
as Amazon Redshift,
Amazon S3,
and Amazon RDS. Amazon Redshift sources can be auto-detected by
Amazon QuickSight, and can be queried either using a direct
query or SPICE mode. SPICE is the in-memory optimized
calculation engine for Amazon QuickSight, designed specifically
for fast, as-needed data visualization. You can improve the
performance of database datasets by importing the data into
SPICE instead of using a direct query to the database.
If you are using Amazon S3 as your primary storage, you can use
Amazon Athena/QuickSight integration to perform analysis and
Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy
to analyze data in S3 using standard SQL. You can run SQL
queries using Athena on data stored in S3, and build business
dashboards within QuickSight.
For another visualization approach,
Zeppelin is an open-source BI solution that you can run
on Amazon EMR to visualize data in Amazon S3 using
Spark SQL.
You can also use Apache Zeppelin to visualize data in Amazon Redshift.