Establish a change management process - Establishing Your Cloud Foundation on AWS

Establish a change management process

Change management practices are designed to reduce incidents and meet regulatory standards. These practices ensure efficient and prompt handling of changes to IT infrastructure and code. Modern change management methodologies can include rolling out new services, managing current ones, resolving problems in code, breaking down silos, providing context and transparency, eliminating bottlenecks, and minimizing risk.

The change control practice ensures that risks are properly assessed, authorizing changes to proceed and managing a change schedule in order to maximize the number of successful service and product changes.

There are multiple ways to establish network connections to ensure the traffic within your environment is secure. You can establish VPN connections between different networks or services, you can connect the different networks and access points through the route tables of your network benefiting from your cloud provider backbone network, or you can establish a physical connection between two locations.

A flow chart showing the change management process.

Change management process