Understanding serverless
The advantages of the serverless approaches cited above are appealing, but what are the considerations for practical implementation? What separates a serverless application from its conventional server-based counterpart?
Serverless uses managed services where the cloud provider handles infrastructure management tasks like capacity provisioning and patching. This allows your workforce to focus on business logic serving your customers while minimizing infrastructure management, configuration, operations, and idle capacity. In addition, Serverless is a way to describe the services, practices, and strategies that enable you to build more agile applications so you can innovate and respond to change faster.
Serverless applications are designed to run whole or parts of the application in the public cloud using serverless services. AWS offers many serverless services in domains like compute, storage, application integration, orchestration and databases. The serverless model provides the following advantages compared to conventional server-based design:
There is no need to provision, manage and monitor the underlying infrastructure. All of the actual hardware and platform server software packages are managed by the cloud provider. You need to just deploy your application and its configuration.
Serverless services have fault tolerance built-in by default. Serverless applications require minimal configuration and management from the user to achieve high availability.
Reduced operational overhead allows your teams to release quickly, get feedback, and iterate to get to market faster.
With a pay-for-value billing model, you do not pay for over-provisioning, and your resource utilization is optimized on your behalf
Serverless applications have built-in service integrations, so you can focus on building your application instead of configuring it.
Is serverless always appropriate?
Almost all modern applications can be modified to run successfully, and in most cases, in a more economical and scalable fashion, on a serverless platform. The choice between serverless and the alternatives do not need to be an all-or-nothing proposition. Individual components could be run on servers, using containers, or using serverless architectures within an application stack. However, here are a few scenarios when serverless may not be the best choice:
When the goal is explicitly to avoid making any changes to existing application architecture.
For the code to run correctly, fine-grained control over the environment is required, such as specifying particular operating system patches or accessing low-level networking operations.
Applications with ultra low latency requirements for all incoming requests.
When an on-premises application hasn’t been migrated to the public cloud.
When certain aspects of the application component don’t fit within the limits of the serverless services - for example, if a function takes more time to execute than the AWS Lambda function’s execution timeout limit, or the backend application takes more time to run than Amazon API Gateway’s timeout.
Serverless use cases
The serverless application model is generic and applies to almost any application, from a startup’s web app to a Fortune 100 company’s stock trade analysis platform. Here are several examples:
Data processing – Developers have discovered that it’s much easier to parallelize with a serverless approach, mainly when triggered through events, leading them to increasingly apply serverless techniques to a wide range of big data problems without the need for infrastructure management. (Source: Occupy the Cloud: Eric Jonas et al., Distributed Computing for the 99%, https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.04024
.) These include map-reduce problems, high-speed video transcoding, stock trade analysis, and compute-intensive Monte Carlo simulations for loan applications. -
Web applications – Eliminating servers makes it possible to create web applications that cost almost nothing when there is no traffic while simultaneously scaling to handle peak loads, even unexpected ones.
Batch processing – Serverless architectures can be used in a run multi-step flow-chart like use cases like ETL jobs.
IT automation – Serverless functions can be attached to alarms and monitors to provide customization when required. Cron jobs (used to schedule and automate tasks that need to be carried out periodically) and other IT infrastructure requirements are made substantially simpler to implement by removing the need to own and maintain servers for their use, especially when these jobs and conditions are infrequent or variable in nature.
Mobile backends – Serverless mobile backends offer a way for developers who focus on client development to quickly create secure, highly available, and perfectly-scaled backends without becoming experts in distributed systems design.
Media and log processing – Serverless approaches offer natural parallelism, making it simpler to process compute-heavy workloads without the complexity of building multithreaded systems or manually scaling compute fleets.
IoT backends – The ability to bring any code, including native libraries, simplifies the process of creating cloud-based systems that can implement device-specific algorithms.
Chatbots (including voice-enabled assistants) and other webhook-based systems – Serverless approaches are perfect for any webhook-based system, like a chatbot. In addition, their ability to perform actions (like running code) only when needed (such as when a user requests information from a chatbot) makes them a straightforward and typically lower-cost approach for these architectures. For example, the majority of Alexa Skills for Amazon Echo are implemented using AWS Lambda.
Clickstream and other near real-time streaming data processes – Serverless solutions offer the flexibility to scale up and down with the flow of data, enabling them to match throughput requirements without the complexity of building a scalable compute system for each application. For example, when paired with technology like Amazon Kinesis, AWS Lambda can offer high-speed records processing for clickstream analysis, NoSQL data triggers, stock trade information, and more.
Machine learning inference – Machine learning models can be hosted on serverless functions to support inference requests, eliminating the need for owning or maintaining servers for supporting intermittent inference requests.
Content delivery at the edge –By moving serverless events handing to the edge of the internet, developers can take advantage of lower latency and customize retrievals and content fetches quickly, enabling a new spectrum of use cases that are latency-optimized based on the client’s location.
IoT at the edge – Enabling serverless capabilities such as AWS Lambda functions to run inside commercial, residential, and hand-held Internet of Things (IoT) devices enables these devices to respond to events in near real-time. Devices can take actions such as aggregating and filtering data locally, performing machine learning inference, or sending alerts.
Typically, serverless applications are built using a microservices architecture in which an application is separated into independent components that perform discrete jobs. These components, made up of a compute layer and APIs, message queues, database, and other components can be independently deployed, tested, and scaled.
The ability to scale individual components needing additional capacity rather than entire
applications can save substantial infrastructure costs. It would allow an application to run
lean with minimal idle server capacity without the need for right-sizing
Serverless applications are a natural fit for microservices because of their decoupled nature. Organizations can become more agile by avoiding monolithic designs and architectures because developers can deploy incrementally and replace or upgrade individual components, such as the database tier if needed.
In many cases, not all layers of the architecture need to be moved to serverless services to reap its benefits. For instance, simply isolating the business logic of an application to deploy onto the AWS Lambda, serverless compute service, is all that’s required to reduce server management tasks, idle compute capacity and operational overhead immediately.
Serverless architecture also has significant economic advantages over server-based architectures when considering disaster recovery scenarios.
For most serverless architectures, the price for managing a disaster recovery site is near zero, even for warm or hot sites. Serverless architectures only incur a charge when traffic is present and resources are being consumed. Storage cost is one exception, as many applications require readily accessible data.
Nonetheless, serverless architectures truly shine when planning disaster recovery sites, especially when compared to traditional data centers. Running a disaster recovery on-premises often doubles infrastructure costs as many servers are idle waiting for disaster to happen.
Serverless disaster recovery sites can be set up quickly as well. Once serverless architectures have been defined with infrastructure as code using AWS native services such as AWS CloudFormation, an entire architecture can be duplicated in a separate region by running a few commands.