Profiling the workflow on AWS - Using Altair Breeze for EDA Workload Migration to AWS

Profiling the workflow on AWS

Running Breeze on the new workflow on AWS allows you to see the architecture changes. The AMI has the Xilinx tool installation and the top-level workflow script needed to start the workflow. This script calls the AWS CLI (pre-installed with the image) to pull the project data from S3 object storage. The workflow is then run using a local instance store.

The following figure shows the new timeline with the calls to the AWS CLI. Breeze shows you I/O statistics and the dependencies for each process in the workflow. In the left pane, the view shows the entire workflow; and in the right pane, the view shows a detailed breakdown of what the AWS CLI is doing. You can see the connections to the object storage.

Figure 8: Breeze Timeline view showing details of operation performed by the AWS CLI to Amazon S3