Data retention - AWS Wickr

Data retention

AWS Wickr Data retention can retain all conversations in network. This includes direct message conversations and conversations in Groups or Rooms between in-network (internal) members and those with other teams (external) with whom your network is federated. Data retention is only available to AWS Wickr Premium plan users and enterprise customers who opt in for data retention. For more information on the Premium plan, see Wickr Pricing

When a network administrator configures and activates data retention for their network, all messages and files shared in their network are retained in accordance with the organization's compliance policies. These .txt file outputs are accessible by the network administrator in an external location (eg: local storage, Amazon S3 bucket, or any other storage as per user's choice), from where they can be analyzed, erased, or transferred.


Wickr never accesses your messages and files. Therefore, it is your responsibility to configure a data retention system.

View data retention details

Complete the following procedure to view the data retention details for your Wickr network. You can also enable or disable data retention for your Wickr network.

  1. Open the AWS Management Console for Wickr at

  2. Choose Manage network.

  3. In the navigation pane of the Wickr Admin Console, choose Network Settings, and then choose Data Retention.

    The Data Retention page displays steps for setting up data retention, and the option to activate or deactivate the data retention feature. For more information about configuring data retention, see Configure data retention.


When data retention is activated, a Data Retention Turned On message will be visible for all users in your network informing them of the retention-enabled network.