Managing notifications - Amazon WorkDocs

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Managing notifications


For greater security, create federated users instead of IAM users whenever possible.

Notifications allow IAM users or roles to call the CreateNotificationSubscription API, which you can use to set your own endpoint for processing the SNS messages that WorkDocs sends. For more information about notifications, see Setting up notifications for an IAM user or role in the Amazon WorkDocs Developer Guide.

You can create and delete notifications, and the following steps explain how to do both tasks.


To create a notification, you must have your IAM or role ARN. To find your IAM ARN, do the following:

  1. Open the IAM console at

  2. In the navigation bar, select Users.

  3. Select your user name.

  4. Under Summary, copy your ARN.

To create a notification
  1. Open the Amazon WorkDocs console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose My sites.

    The Manage your WorkDocs sites page appears and displays a list of your sites.

  3. Choose the button next to the desired site.

  4. Open the Actions list and choose Manage notifications.

    The Manage notifications page appears.

  5. Choose Create notification.

  6. In the New notification dialog box, enter your IAM or role ARN, then choose Create notifications.

To delete a notification
  1. Open the Amazon WorkDocs console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose My sites.

    The Manage your WorkDocs sites page appears and displays a list of your sites.

  3. Choose the button next to the site that has the notification that you want to delete.

  4. Open the Actions list and choose Manage notifications.

  5. On the Manage notifications page, choose the button next to the notification that you want to delete, then choose Delete notifications.