Step 1: Preparing content for migration - Amazon WorkDocs

Notice: New customer sign-ups and account upgrades are no longer available for Amazon WorkDocs. Learn about migration steps here: How to migrate data from Amazon WorkDocs.

Step 1: Preparing content for migration

To prepare your content for migration
  1. On your Amazon WorkDocs site, under My Documents, create a folder that you want to migrate your files and folders to.

  2. Confirm the following:

    • The source folder contains no more than 100,000 files and subfolders. Migrations fail if you exceed that limit.

    • No individual files exceed 5 TB.

    • Each file name contains 255 characters or less. Amazon WorkDocs Drive only displays files with a full directory path of 260 characters or less.


Attempting to migrate files or folders with names containing the following characters can cause errors and stop the migration process. If this occurs, choose Download report to download a log listing the errors, the files that failed to migrate, and any successfully migrated files.

  • Trailing spaces – For example: an extra space at the end of a file name.

  • Periods at the beginning or end – For example: .file, .file.ppt, ., .., or file.

  • Tildes at the beginning or end – For example: file.doc~, ~file.doc, or ~$file.doc

  • File names ending in .tmp – For example: file.tmp

  • File names exactly matching these case-sensitive termsMicrosoft User Data, Outlook files, Thumbs.db, or Thumbnails

  • File names containing any of these characters* (asterisk), / (forward slash), \ (back slash), : (colon), < (less than), > (greater than), ? (question mark), | (vertical bar/pipe), " (double quotes), or \202E (character code 202E).