Auto scaling for WorkSpaces Pools
Auto Scaling lets you change the size of your pools automatically to match the supply of available instances to user demand. The size of your pool determines the number of users who can stream concurrently. One instance is required for each user session. You can specify your pool capacity in terms of instances. Based on your pool configurations and auto scaling policies, the required number of instances will be made available. You can define scaling policies that adjust the size of your pool automatically based on a variety of utilization metrics, and optimize the number of available instances to match user demand. You can also choose to turn off automatic scaling and make the pool run at a fixed size.
As you develop your plan for WorkSpaces Pools scaling, make sure that your network configuration meets your requirements.
When you use scaling, you work with the Application Auto Scaling API. For Auto Scaling to work correctly with WorkSpaces Pools, Application Auto Scaling requires permission to describe and update your pools and describe your Amazon CloudWatch alarms, and permissions to modify your pool capacity on your behalf.
The following topics provide information to help you understand and use Auto Scaling for WorkSpaces Pools.
Scaling concepts
WorkSpaces Pools scaling is provided by Application Auto Scaling. For more information, see the Application Auto Scaling API Reference.
To use Auto Scaling with WorkSpaces Pools effectively, you must understand the following terms and concepts.
- Minimum capacity/minimum user sessions for the pool
The minimum number of instances. The number of instances can't be below this value, and scaling policies will not scale your pool below this value. For example, if you set the minimum capacity for a pool to 2, your pool will never have less than 2 instances.
- Maximum capacity/maximum user sessions for the pool
The maximum number of instances. The number of instances can't be above this value, and scaling policies will not scale your pool above this value. For example, if you set the maximum capacity for a pool to 10, your pool will never have more than 10 instances.
- Desired user session capacity
The total number of sessions that are either running or pending. This represents the total number of concurrent streaming sessions your pool can support in a steady state.
- Scaling policy action
The action that scaling policies perform on your pool when the Scaling Policy Condition is met. You can choose an action based on % capacity or number of instance(s). For example, if Desired user session capacity is 4 and Scaling Policy Action is set to "Add 25% capacity", Desired user session capacity is increased by 25% to 5 when Scaling Policy Condition is met.
- Scaling policy condition
The condition that triggers the action set in Scaling Policy Action. This condition includes a scaling policy metric, a comparison operator, and a threshold. For example, to scale a pool if the utilization of the pool is greater than 50%, your scaling policy condition should be "If Capacity Utilization > 50%".
- Scaling policy metric
Your scaling policy is based on this metric. The following metrics are available for scaling policies:
- Capacity Utilization
The percentage of instances in a pool that are being used. You can use this metric to scale your pool based on usage of the pool. For example, Scaling Policy Condition: "If Capacity Utilization < 25%" perform Scaling Policy Action: "Remove 25 % capacity".
- Available capacity
The number of instances in your pool that are available for users. You can use this metric to maintain a buffer in your capacity available for users to start streaming sessions. For example, Scaling Policy Condition: "If Available Capacity < 5" perform Scaling Policy Action: "Add 5 instance(s)".
- Insufficient capacity error
The number of session requests rejected due to lack of capacity. You can use this metric to provision new instances for users who can't start streaming sessions due to lack of capacity. For example, Scaling Policy Condition: "If Insufficient Capacity Error > 0" perform Scaling Policy Action: "Add 1 instance(s)".
Managing pool scaling using the console
You can set up and manage scaling by using the WorkSpaces console in either of the following two ways: During pool creation, or any time, by using the Pools tab. After you create pools, go to the Scaling Policies tab to add new scaling policies for your pool. For more information, see Create a WorkSpaces Pool.
For user environments that vary in number, define scaling policies to control how scaling responds to demand. If you expect a fixed number of users or have other reasons for disabling scaling, you can set your pool with a fixed number of instances for user sessions.
To do this, set the minimum capacity to your desired number of instances. Adjust the maximum capacity to be at least the value of the minimum capacity. This avoids validation errors, but the maximum capacity will ultimately be ignored since the pool will not be scaled. Then, delete all scaling policies for that pool.
To set a pool scaling policy using the console
Open the WorkSpaces console at
. -
In the navigation pane, choose Pools.
Select the pool.
On that pool's page, scroll down to capacity and scaling.
Choose Edit.
Edit existing policies and set the desired values in their field and choose Save. The policy changes go into effect within a few minutes.
You can also add new capacity and scaling policies by choosing Add new schedule capacity, Add new scale out policy, or Add new scale in policy.
The following is an example usage graph of scaling activity when five users connect to the pool and then disconnect. This example is from a pool using the following scaling policy values:
Minimum capacity = 10
Maximum capacity = 50
Scale out = If my pool Capacity Utilization is Greater than 75% then add 5 instances
Scale in = If my pool Capacity Utilization is Less than 25% then remove 6 instances
During the session, 5 new instances will be launched during a scale out event. During a scale in event, 6 instances will be reclaimed, if there are enough instances without active user sessions, and the total number of instances does not drop below the minimum capacity of 10 instances. Instances with running user sessions will not be reclaimed. Only instances with no user sessions running will be reclaimed.
Managing pool scaling using the AWS CLI
You can set up and manage pool scaling by using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). For more advanced features such as setting scale-in and scale-out cooldown times, use the AWS CLI. Before running scaling policy commands, you must register your pool as a scalable target. To do so, use the following register-scalable-target command:
aws application-autoscaling register-scalable-target --service-namespace workspaces \ --resource-id workspacespool/
\ --scalable-dimension workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions \ --min-capacity 1 --max-capacity 5
- Example 1: Applying a scaling policy based on capacity utilization
- Example 2: Applying a scaling policy based on insufficient capacity errors
- Example 3: Applying a scaling policy based on low capacity utilization
- Example 4: Change the pool capacity based on a schedule
- Example 5: Applying a target tracking scaling policy
Example 1: Applying a scaling policy based on capacity utilization
This AWS CLI example sets up a scaling policy that scales out a pool by 25% if Utilization >= 75%.
The following put-scaling-policy command defines a utilization-based scaling policy:
aws application-autoscaling put-scaling-policy -- cli-input-json file://scale-out-utilization.json
The contents of the file scale-out-utilization.json
are as
{ "PolicyName": "
", "ServiceNamespace": "workspaces", "ResourceId": "workspacespool/PoolId
", "ScalableDimension": "workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions", "PolicyType": "StepScaling", "StepScalingPolicyConfiguration": { "AdjustmentType": "PercentChangeInCapacity", "StepAdjustments": [ { "MetricIntervalLowerBound": 0, "ScalingAdjustment": 25 } ], "Cooldown": 120 } }
If the command is successful, the output is similar to the following, although
some details are unique to your account and Region. In this example, the policy
identifier is e3425d21-16f0-d701-89fb-12f98dac64af
{"PolicyARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scalingPolicy:e3425d21-16f0-d701-89fb-12f98dac64af:resource/workspaces/workspacespool/PoolId:policyName/scale-out-utilization-policy"}
Now, set up a CloudWatch alarm for this policy. Use the names, Region, account
number, and policy identifier that apply to you. You can use the policy ARN
returned by the previous command for the -- alarm-actions
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name
\ --alarm-description "Alarm when Available User Session Capacity exceeds 75 percent" \ --metric-name AvailableUserSessionCapacity \ --namespace AWS/WorkSpaces \ --statistic Average \ --period 300 \ --threshold 75 \ --comparison-operator GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold \ --dimensions "Name=WorkSpaces pool ID,Value=PoolId
" \ --evaluation-periods 1 --unit Percent \ --alarm-actions "arn:aws:autoscaling:your-region-code
Example 2: Applying a scaling policy based on insufficient capacity errors
This AWS CLI example sets up a scaling policy that scales out the pool by 1
if the pool returns an InsufficientCapacityError
The following command defines a insufficient capacity-based scaling policy:
aws application-autoscaling put-scaling-policy -- cli-input-json file://scale-out-capacity.json
The contents of the file scale-out-capacity.json
are as
{ "PolicyName": "
", "ServiceNamespace": "workspaces", "ResourceId": "workspacespool/PoolId
", "ScalableDimension": "workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions", "PolicyType": "StepScaling", "StepScalingPolicyConfiguration": { "AdjustmentType": "ChangeInCapacity", "StepAdjustments": [ { "MetricIntervalLowerBound": 0, "ScalingAdjustment": 1 } ], "Cooldown": 120 } }
If the command is successful, the output is similar to the following, although
some details are unique to your account and Region. In this example, the policy
identifier is f4495f21-0650-470c-88e6-0f393adb64fc
{"PolicyARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scalingPolicy:f4495f21-0650-470c-88e6-0f393adb64fc:resource/workspaces/workspacespool/PoolId:policyName/scale-out-insufficient-capacity-policy"}
Now, set up a CloudWatch alarm for this policy. Use the names, Region, account
number, and policy identifier that apply to you. You can use the policy ARN
returned by the previous command for the --alarm-actions
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name
\ --alarm-description "Alarm when out of capacity is > 0" \ --metric-name InsufficientCapacityError \ --namespace AWS/WorkSpaces \ --statistic Maximum \ --period 300 \ --threshold 0 \ --comparison-operator GreaterThanThreshold \ --dimensions "Name=Pool,Value=PoolId
" \ --evaluation-periods 1 --unit Count \ --alarm-actions "arn:aws:autoscaling:your-region-code
Example 3: Applying a scaling policy based on low capacity utilization
This AWS CLI example sets up a scaling policy that scales in the pool to reduce
actual capacity when UserSessionsCapacityUtilization
is low.
The following command defines an excess capacity-based scaling policy:
aws application-autoscaling put-scaling-policy -- cli-input-json file://scale-in-capacity.json
The contents of the file scale-in-capacity.json
are as
{ "PolicyName": "
", "ServiceNamespace": "workspaces", "ResourceId": "workspacespool/PoolId
", "ScalableDimension": "workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions", "PolicyType": "StepScaling", "StepScalingPolicyConfiguration": { "AdjustmentType": "PercentChangeInCapacity", "StepAdjustments": [ { "MetricIntervalUpperBound": 0, "ScalingAdjustment": -25 } ], "Cooldown": 360 } }
If the command is successful, the output is similar to the following, although
some details are unique to your account and Region. In this example, the policy
identifier is 12ab3c4d-56789-0ef1-2345-6ghi7jk8lm90
{"PolicyARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scalingPolicy:12ab3c4d-56789-0ef1-2345-6ghi7jk8lm90:resource/workspaces/workspacespool/PoolId:policyName/scale-in-utilization-policy"}
Now, set up a CloudWatch alarm for this policy. Use the names, Region, account
number, and policy identifier that apply to you. You can use the policy ARN
returned by the previous command for the --alarm-actions
aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name
\ --alarm-description "Alarm when Capacity Utilization is less than or equal to 25 percent" \ --metric-name UserSessionsCapacityUtilization \ --namespace AWS/WorkSpaces \ --statistic Average \ --period 120 \ --threshold 25 \ --comparison-operator LessThanOrEqualToThreshold \ --dimensions "Name=Pool,Value=PoolId
" \ --evaluation-periods 10 --unit Percent \ --alarm-actions "arn:aws:autoscaling:your-region-code
Example 4: Change the pool capacity based on a schedule
Changing your pool capacity based on a schedule lets you scale your pool capacity in response to predictable changes in demand. For example, at the start of a work day, you might expect a certain number of users to request streaming connections at one time. To change your pool capacity based on a schedule, you can use the Application Auto Scaling PutScheduledAction API action or the put-scheduled-action AWS CLI command.
Before changing your pool capacity, you can list your current pool capacity by using the WorkSpaces describe-workspaces-pools AWS CLI command.
aws workspaces describe-workspaces-pools --name
The current pool capacity will appear similar to the following output (shown in JSON format):
"CapacityStatus": {
"AvailableUserSessions": 1,
"DesiredUserSessions": 1,
"ActualUserSessions": 1,
"ActiveUserSessions": 0
Then, use the put-scheduled-action
command to create a scheduled
action to change your pool capacity. For example, the following command changes
the minimum capacity to 3 and the maximum capacity to 5 every day at 9:00 AM
For cron expressions, specify when to perform the action in UTC. For more information, see Cron Expressions.
aws application-autoscaling put-scheduled-action --service-namespace workspaces \ --resource-id workspacespool/
\ --schedule="cron(0 9 * * ? *)" \ --scalable-target-action MinCapacity=3,MaxCapacity=5 \ --scheduled-action-name ExampleScheduledAction \ --scalable-dimension workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions
To confirm that the scheduled action to change your pool capacity was successfully created, run the describe-scheduled-actions command.
aws application-autoscaling describe-scheduled-actions --service-namespace workspaces --resource-id workspacespool/
If the scheduled action was successfully created, the output appears similar to the following.
"ScheduledActions": [
"ScalableDimension": "workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions",
"Schedule": "cron(0 9 * * ? *)",
"ResourceId": "workspacespool/ExamplePool",
"CreationTime": 1518651232.886,
"ScheduledActionARN": "<arn>",
"ScalableTargetAction": {
"MinCapacity": 3,
"MaxCapacity": 5
"ScheduledActionName": "ExampleScheduledAction",
"ServiceNamespace": "workspaces"
For more information, see Scheduled Scaling in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.
Example 5: Applying a target tracking scaling policy
With target tracking scaling, you can specify a capacity utilization level for your pool.
When you create a target tracking scaling policy, Application Auto Scaling automatically creates and manages CloudWatch alarms that trigger the scaling policy. The scaling policy adds or removes capacity as required to keep capacity utilization at, or close to, the specified target value. To ensure application availability, your pool scales out proportionally to the metric as fast as it can but scales in more gradually.
The following put-scaling-policy command defines a target tracking scaling policy that attempts to maintain 75% capacity utilization for a WorkSpaces pool.
aws application-autoscaling put-scaling-policy -- cli-input-json file://config.json
The contents of the file config.json
are as follows:
{ "PolicyName":"target-tracking-scaling-policy", "ServiceNamespace":"workspaces", "ResourceId":"workspacespool/
", "ScalableDimension":"workspaces:workspacespool:DesiredUserSessions", "PolicyType":"TargetTrackingScaling", "TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration":{ "TargetValue":75.0, "PredefinedMetricSpecification":{ "PredefinedMetricType":"WorkSpacesAverageUserSessionsCapacityUtilization" }, "ScaleOutCooldown":300, "ScaleInCooldown":300 } }
If the command is successful, the output is similar to the following, although some details are unique to your account and Region. In this example, the policy identifier is 6d8972f3-efc8-437c-92d1-6270f29a66e7.
"PolicyARN": "arn:aws:autoscaling:us-west-2:123456789012:scalingPolicy:6d8972f3-efc8-437c-92d1-6270f29a66e7:resource/workspaces/workspacespool/PoolId:policyName/target-tracking-scaling-policy",
"Alarms": [
"AlarmARN": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-west-2:123456789012:alarm:TargetTracking-workspacespool/PoolId-AlarmHigh-d4f0770c-b46e-434a-a60f-3b36d653feca",
"AlarmName": "TargetTracking-workspacespool/PoolId-AlarmHigh-d4f0770c-b46e-434a-a60f-3b36d653feca"
"AlarmARN": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:us-west-2:123456789012:alarm:TargetTracking-workspacespool/PoolId-AlarmLow-1b437334-d19b-4a63-a812-6c67aaf2910d",
"AlarmName": "TargetTracking-workspacespool/PoolId-AlarmLow-1b437334-d19b-4a63-a812-6c67aaf2910d"
For more information, see Target Tracking Scaling Policies in the Application Auto Scaling User Guide.
Additional resources
To learn more about using the Application Auto Scaling AWS CLI commands or API actions, see the following resources:
application-autoscaling section of the AWS CLI Command Reference