Enable SSH connections for your Linux WorkSpaces in WorkSpaces Personal - Amazon WorkSpaces

Enable SSH connections for your Linux WorkSpaces in WorkSpaces Personal

If you or your users want to connect to your Linux WorkSpaces by using the command line, you can enable SSH connections. You can enable SSH connections to all WorkSpaces in a directory or to individual WorkSpaces in a directory.

To enable SSH connections, you create a new security group or update an existing security group and add a rule to allow inbound traffic for this purpose. Security groups act as a firewall for associated instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic at the instance level. After you create or update your security group, your users and others can use PuTTY or other terminals to connect from their devices to your Linux WorkSpaces. For more information, see Security groups for WorkSpaces Personal.

For a video tutorial, see How can I connect to my Linux Amazon WorkSpaces using SSH? on the AWS Knowledge Center. This tutorial is for Amazon Linux 2 WorkSpaces only.

Prerequisites for SSH connections to Linux WorkSpaces

  • Enabling inbound SSH traffic to a WorkSpace — To add a rule to allow inbound SSH traffic to one or more Linux WorkSpaces, make sure that you have the public or private IP addresses of the devices that require SSH connections to your WorkSpaces. For example, you can specify the public IP addresses of devices outside your virtual private cloud (VPC) or the private IP address of another EC2 instance in the same VPC as your WorkSpace.

    If you plan to connect to a WorkSpace from your local device, you can use the search phrase "what is my IP address" in an internet browser or use the following service: Check IP.

  • Connecting to a WorkSpace — The following information is required to initiate an SSH connection from a device to a Linux WorkSpace.

    • The NetBIOS name of the Active Directory domain that you are connected to.

    • Your WorkSpace user name.

    • The public or private IP address of the WorkSpace that you want to connect to.

      Private: If your VPC is attached to a corporate network and you have access to that network, you can specify the private IP address of the WorkSpace.

      Public: If your WorkSpace has a public IP address, you can use the WorkSpaces console to find the public IP address, as described in the following procedure.

To find the IP addresses for the Linux WorkSpace you want to connect to and your user name
  1. Open the WorkSpaces console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/workspaces/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose WorkSpaces.

  3. In the list of WorkSpaces, choose the WorkSpace that you want to enable SSH connections to.

  4. In the Running mode column, confirm that the WorkSpace status is Available.

  5. Click the arrow to the left of the WorkSpace name to display the inline summary, and note the following information:

    • The WorkSpace IP. This is the private IP address of the WorkSpace.

      The private IP address is required for obtaining the elastic network interface associated with the WorkSpace. The network interface is required to retrieve information such as the security group or public IP address associated with the WorkSpace.

    • The WorkSpace Username. This is the user name that you specify to connect to the WorkSpace.

  6. Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.

  7. In the navigation pane, choose Network Interfaces.

  8. In the search box, type the WorkSpace IP that you noted in Step 5.

  9. Select the network interface associated with the WorkSpace IP.

  10. If your WorkSpace has a public IP address, it is displayed in the IPv4 Public IP column. Make a note of this address, if applicable.

To find the NetBIOS name of the Active Directory domain that you are connected to
  1. Open the AWS Directory Service console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/directoryservicev2/.

  2. In the list of directories, click the Directory ID link of the directory for the WorkSpace.

  3. In the Directory details section, note the Directory NetBIOS name.

Enable SSH connections to all Linux WorkSpaces in a directory

To enable SSH connections to all Linux WorkSpaces in a directory, do the following.

To create a security group with a rule to allow inbound SSH traffic to all Linux WorkSpaces in a directory
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Security Groups.

  3. Choose Create Security Group.

  4. Type a name and optionally, a description for your security group.

  5. For VPC, choose the VPC that contains the WorkSpaces that you want to enable SSH connections to.

  6. On the Inbound tab, choose Add Rule, and do the following:

    • For Type, choose SSH.

    • For Protocol, TCP is automatically specified when you choose SSH.

    • For Port Range, 22 is automatically specified when you choose SSH.

    • For Source, specify the CIDR range of the public IP addresses for the computers that users will use to connect to their WorkSpaces. For example, a corporate network or a home network.

    • For Description (optional), type a description for the rule.

  7. Choose Create.

  8. Attach this security group to your WorkSpaces. For more information on adding this security group to your WorkSpaces, see Security groups for WorkSpaces Personal. If you want to automatically attach additional security groups to your WorkSpaces, refer to this blog post.

Password-based authentication in WorkSpaces

To enable password authentication in newly created Linux WorkSpaces
  1. Launch the WorkSpaces client and login to your WorkSpace.

  2. Open the Terminal window.

  3. In the Terminal window, run the following command to enable SSH Password Authentication in cloud-init.

    sudo bash -c 'touch /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/15_sshpwauth.cfg && echo "ssh_pwauth: true" > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/15_sshpwauth.cfg && sudo rm /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/config_set_passwords && sudo cloud-init single --name set-passwords'

    This script will do the following:

    • Create a configuration file in the cloud-init directory /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/.

    • Modify the configuration file to tell cloud-init to enable SSH password authentication.

    • Reset the set-passwords cloud-init module so that it can be run again.

    • Run the set-passwords cloud-init module by itself. This will write a file that enables SSH password authentication to the SSH configuration directory, /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/, and restart SSHD so that the setting will take place immediately.

This enables SSH password authentication on your WorkSpace and will persist through custom images. If you enable SSH password authentication only in the SSHD configuration file, without configuring cloud-init, the setting will not persist through imaging on some Linux WorkSpaces. For more information, see Set Passwords in the cloud-init module documentation.

To disable password authentication in existing Linux WorkSpaces
  1. Launch the WorkSpaces client and login to your WorkSpace.

  2. Open the Terminal window.

  3. In the Terminal window, run the following command to disable SSH Password Authentication in cloud-init.

    sudo bash -c 'touch /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/15_sshpwauth.cfg && echo "ssh_pwauth: false" > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/15_sshpwauth.cfg && sudo rm /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/config_set_passwords && sudo cloud-init single —name set-passwords'

    This script will do the following:

    • Create a configuration file in the cloud-init directory /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/.

    • Modify the configuration file to tell cloud-init to disable SSH password authentication.

    • Reset the set-passwords cloud-init module so that it can be run again.

    • Run the set-passwords cloud-init module by itself. This will write a file that enables SSH password authentication to the SSH configuration directory, /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/, and restart SSHD so that the setting will take place immediately.

This immediately disables SSH in the WorkSpace and will persist through custom images.

Enable SSH connections to a specific Linux WorkSpace

To enable SSH connections to a specific Linux WorkSpace, do the following.

To add a rule to an existing security group to allow inbound SSH traffic to a specific Linux WorkSpace
  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.

  2. In the navigation pane, under Network & Security, choose Network Interfaces.

  3. In the search bar, type the private IP address of the WorkSpace that you want to enable SSH connections to.

  4. In the Security groups column, click the link for the security group.

  5. On the Inbound tab, choose Edit.

  6. Choose Add Rule, and then do the following:

    • For Type, choose SSH.

    • For Protocol, TCP is automatically specified when you choose SSH.

    • For Port Range, 22 is automatically specified when you choose SSH.

    • For Source, choose My IP or Custom, and specify a single IP address or an IP address range in CIDR notation. For example, if your IPv4 address is, specify to list this single IPv4 address in CIDR notation. If your company allocates addresses from a range, specify the entire range, such as

    • For Description (optional), type a description for the rule.

  7. Choose Save.

Connect to a Linux WorkSpace using Linux or PuTTY

After you create or update your security group and add the required rule, your users and others can use Linux or PuTTY to connect from their devices to your WorkSpaces.


Before completing either of the following procedures, make sure that you have the following:

  • The NetBIOS name of the Active Directory domain that you are connected to.

  • The username that you use to connect to the WorkSpace.

  • The public or private IP address of the WorkSpace that you want to connect to.

For instructions on how to obtain this information, see "Prerequisites for SSH Connections to Linux WorkSpaces" earlier in this topic.

To connect to an Linux WorkSpace using Linux
  1. Open the command prompt as an administrator and enter the following command. For NetBIOS name, Username, and WorkSpace IP, enter the applicable values.

    ssh "NetBIOS_NAME\Username"@WorkSpaceIP

    The following is an example of the SSH command where:

    • The NetBIOS_NAME is anycompany

    • The Username is janedoe

    • The WorkSpace IP is

    ssh "anycompany\janedoe"@
  2. When prompted, enter the same password that you use when authenticating with the WorkSpaces client (your Active Directory password).

To connect to an Linux WorkSpace using PuTTY
  1. Open PuTTY.

  2. In the PuTTY Configuration dialog box, do the following:

    • For Host Name (or IP address), enter the following command. Replace the values with the NetBIOS name of the Active Directory domain that you are connected to, the user name that you use to connect to the WorkSpace, and the IP address of the WorkSpace that you want to connect to.

    • For Port, enter 22.

    • For Connection type, choose SSH.

    For an example of the SSH command, see step 1 in the previous procedure.

  3. Choose Open.

  4. When prompted, enter the same password that you use when authenticating with the WorkSpaces client (your Active Directory password).