WorkSpaces Pools Bundles - Amazon WorkSpaces

WorkSpaces Pools Bundles

A WorkSpace bundle is a combination of an operating system, and storage, compute, and software resources. When you launch a WorkSpace, you select the bundle that meets your needs. The default bundles available for WorkSpaces are called public bundles. For more information about the various public bundles available for WorkSpaces, see Amazon WorkSpaces Bundles.

The following table provides information about the licensing, streaming protocols, and bundles that are supported by each OS.

Operating System Licenses Streaming protocols Supported bundles
Windows Server 2019 Included DCV Value, Standard, Performance, Power, PowerPro
Windows Server 2022 Included DCV Standard, Performance, Power, PowerPro, Graphics.G4dn, GraphicsPro.G4dn
  • Operating system versions that are no longer supported by the vender are not guaranteed to work and are not supported by AWS support.