Configure a New or Existing VPC with a Public Subnet - Amazon WorkSpaces

Configure a New or Existing VPC with a Public Subnet

If you created your Amazon Web Services account after 2013-12-04, you have a default VPC in each AWS Region that includes default public subnets. However, you may want to create your own nondefault VPC or configure an existing VPC to use with your WorkSpaces Pool directory. This topic describes how to configure a nondefault VPC and public subnet to use with WorkSpaces Pools.

After you configure your VPC and public subnet, you can provide your WorkSpaces in WorkSpaces Pools with access to the internet by enabling the Default Internet Access option. When you enable this option, WorkSpaces Pools enables internet connectivity by associating an Elastic IP address to the network interface that is attached from the streaming instance to your public subnet. An Elastic IP address is a public IPv4 address that is reachable from the internet. For this reason, we recommend that you instead use a NAT gateway to provide internet access to your WorkSpaces in WorkSpaces Pools. In addition, when Default Internet Access is enabled, a maximum of 100 WorkSpaces are supported. If your deployment must support more than 100 concurrent users, use the NAT gateway configuration instead.

For more information, see the steps in Configure a VPC with Private Subnets and a NAT Gateway. For additional VPC configuration recommendations, see VPC Setup Recommendations for WorkSpaces Pools.

Step 1: Configure a VPC with a Public Subnet

You can configure your own non-default VPC with a public subnet by using either of the following methods:

Create a New VPC with a Single Public Subnet

When you use the VPC wizard to create a new VPC, the wizard creates an internet gateway and a custom route table that is associated with the public subnet. The route table routes all traffic destined for an address outside the VPC to the internet gateway. For more information about this configuration, see VPC with a Single Public Subnet in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  1. Complete the steps in Step 1: Create the VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide to create your VPC.

  2. To enable your WorkSpaces to access the internet, complete the steps in Step 2: Enable Default Internet Access For Your WorkSpaces Pools.

Configure an Existing VPC

If you want to use an existing VPC that does not have a public subnet, you can add a new public subnet. In addition to a public subnet, you must also have an internet gateway attached to your VPC and a route table that routes all traffic destined for an address outside the VPC to the internet gateway. To configure these components, complete the following steps.

  1. To add a public subnet, complete the steps in Creating a Subnet in Your VPC. Use the existing VPC that you plan to use with WorkSpaces Pools.

    If your VPC is configured to support IPv6 addressing, the IPv6 CIDR block list displays. Select Don't assign Ipv6.

  2. To create and attach an internet gateway to your VPC, complete the steps in Creating and Attaching an Internet Gateway.

  3. To configure your subnet to route internet traffic through the internet gateway, complete the steps in Creating a Custom Route Table. In step 5, for Destination, use IPv4 format (

  4. To enable your WorkSpaces and image builders to access the internet, complete the steps in Step 2: Enable Default Internet Access For Your WorkSpaces Pools.

Step 2: Enable Default Internet Access For Your WorkSpaces Pools

You can enable internet access when you create the WorkSpaces Pool directory. Choose the VPC with a public subnet when you create the directory. Then select a public subnet for Subnet 1 and, optionally, another public subnet for Subnet 2.

You can test your internet connectivity by starting your WorkSpaces Pool, and then connecting to a WorkSpace in the pool and browsing to the internet.