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IAWSXRayRecorderBeginSegment Method

Begin a tracing segment. A new tracing segment will be created and started.

Namespace:  Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core
Assembly:  AWSXRayRecorder.Core (in AWSXRayRecorder.Core.dll) Version: 2.14.0+018bfa65877dd72e346735bad4d7ad46f217da09
void BeginSegment(
	string name,
	string traceId = null,
	string parentId = null,
	SamplingResponse samplingResponse = null,
	DateTime? timestamp = null


Type: SystemString
The name of the segment
traceId (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Trace id of the segment
parentId (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Unique id of the upstream remote segment or subsegment where the downstream call originated from.
samplingResponse (Optional)
Type: Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Core.SamplingSamplingResponse
Instance of SamplingResponse, contains sampling decision for the segment from upstream service. If not passed, sampling decision is made based on SamplingStrategy set with the recorder instance.
timestamp (Optional)
Type: SystemNullableDateTime
If not null, sets the start time for the segment else current time is set.
ArgumentNullExceptionThe argument has a null value.
See Also