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AWSXRayRecorderBuilder Methods

The AWSXRayRecorderBuilder type exposes the following members.

Public methodBuild
Build a instance of AWSXRayRecorder with existing configuration added to the builder.
Public methodStatic memberGetDefaultBuilder
Initializes AWSXRayRecorderBuilder instance with default settings.
Public methodWithContextMissingStrategy
Adds the context missing strategy.
Public methodWithContextMissingStrategyFromAppSettings
Reads useRuntimeErrors settings from app settings, and adds into the builder. If the useRuntimeErrors settings doesn't exist, it defaults to false and ContextMissingStrategy.LOG_ERROR is used.
Public methodWithDaemonAddress
Sets the address for the xray daemon.
Public methodWithExceptionSerializationStrategy
Configures recorder with provided ExceptionSerializationStrategy. While setting number consider max trace size limit :
Public methodWithPlugin
Adds the given plugin to builder
Public methodWithPluginsFromAppSettings
Reads plugin settings from app settings, and adds new instance of each plugin into the builder. If the plugin settings doesn't exist or the value of the settings is invalid, nothing will be added.
Public methodWithSamplingStrategy
Adds the given sampling strategy to builder. There can exist only one sampling strategy. Any previous value of sampling strategy will be overwritten.
Public methodWithSegmentEmitter
Adds the provided ISegmentEmitter instance.
Public methodWithStreamingStrategy
Adds the given streaming strategy to builder. There can exist only one streaming strategy. Any previous value of streaming strategy will be overwritten.
Public methodWithTraceContext
Configures recorder with ITraceContext instance.
See Also