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AWSSDKHandler Class

The AWS SDK handler to register X-Ray with AmazonServiceClient which can intercept downstream requests and responses.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Amazon.XRay.Recorder.Handlers.AwsSdk
Assembly:  AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.AwsSdk (in AWSXRayRecorder.Handlers.AwsSdk.dll) Version: 2.12.0+018bfa65877dd72e346735bad4d7ad46f217da09
public static class AWSSDKHandler

The AWSSDKHandler type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberRegisterXRayT
Registers X-Ray for the given type of AmazonServiceClient.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterXRayForAllServices
Registers X-Ray for all instances of AmazonServiceClient.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterXRayForAllServices(String)
Registers X-Ray for all instances of AmazonServiceClient with a given custom AWS Service Manifest File.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterXRayManifest(Stream)
Registers AWS Service Manifest resource stream. This stream would be used for all the registered AmazonServiceClient instances.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterXRayManifest(String)
Registers file path of AWS Service Manifest file. This file would be used for all the registered AmazonServiceClient instances.
See Also