Using the AWS X-Ray API with the AWS CLI - AWS X-Ray

Using the AWS X-Ray API with the AWS CLI

The AWS CLI lets your access the X-Ray service directly and use the same APIs that the X-Ray console uses to retrieve the service graph and raw traces data. The sample application includes scripts that show how to use these APIs with the AWS CLI.


This tutorial uses the Scorekeep sample application and included scripts to generate tracing data and a service map. Follow the instructions in the getting started tutorial to launch the application.

This tutorial uses the AWS CLI to show basic use of the X-Ray API. The AWS CLI, available for Windows, Linux, and OS-X, provides command line access to the public APIs for all AWS services.


You must verify that your AWS CLI is configured to the same Region that your Scorekeep sample application was created in.

Scripts included to test the sample application uses cURL to send traffic to the API and jq to parse the output. You can download the jq executable from, and the curl executable from Most Linux and OS X installations include cURL.

Generate trace data

The web app continues to generate traffic to the API every few seconds while the game is in-progress, but only generates one type of request. Use the script to run end to end scenarios and generate more diverse trace data while you test the API.

To use the script
  1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.

  2. Navigate to the management console for your environment.

  3. Copy the environment URL from the page header.

  4. Open bin/ and replace the value for API with your environment's URL.

  5. Run the script to generate traffic to the API.

    ~/debugger-tutorial$ ./bin/ Creating users, session, game, configuring game, playing game, ending game, game complete. {"id":"MTBP8BAS","session":"HUF6IT64","name":"tic-tac-toe-test","users":["QFF3HBGM","KL6JR98D"],"rules":"102","startTime":1476314241,"endTime":1476314245,"states":["JQVLEOM2","D67QLPIC","VF9BM9NC","OEAA6GK9","2A705O73","1U2LFTLJ","HUKIDD70","BAN1C8FI","G3UDJTUF","AB70HVEV"],"moves":["BS8F8LQ","4MTTSPKP","463OETES","SVEBCL3N","N7CQ1GHP","O84ONEPD","EG4BPROQ","V4BLIDJ3","9RL3NPMV"]}

Use the X-Ray API

The AWS CLI provides commands for all of the API actions that X-Ray provides, including GetServiceGraph and GetTraceSummaries. See the AWS X-Ray API Reference for more information on all of the supported actions and the data types that they use.

Example bin/
EPOCH=$(date +%s) aws xray get-service-graph --start-time $(($EPOCH-600)) --end-time $EPOCH

The script retrieves a service graph for the last 10 minutes.

~/eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/ | less { "StartTime": 1479068648.0, "Services": [ { "StartTime": 1479068648.0, "ReferenceId": 0, "State": "unknown", "EndTime": 1479068651.0, "Type": "client", "Edges": [ { "StartTime": 1479068648.0, "ReferenceId": 1, "SummaryStatistics": { "ErrorStatistics": { "ThrottleCount": 0, "TotalCount": 0, "OtherCount": 0 }, "FaultStatistics": { "TotalCount": 0, "OtherCount": 0 }, "TotalCount": 2, "OkCount": 2, "TotalResponseTime": 0.054000139236450195 }, "EndTime": 1479068651.0, "Aliases": [] } ] }, { "StartTime": 1479068648.0, "Names": [ "" ], "ReferenceId": 1, "State": "active", "EndTime": 1479068651.0, "Root": true, "Name": "", ...
Example bin/
EPOCH=$(date +%s) aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time $(($EPOCH-60)) --query 'TraceSummaries[*].Http.HttpURL'

The script retrieves the URLs of traces generated between one and two minutes ago.

~/eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/ [ "", "", "", "" ]
Example bin/
EPOCH=$(date +%s) TRACEIDS=$(aws xray get-trace-summaries --start-time $(($EPOCH-120)) --end-time $(($EPOCH-60)) --query 'TraceSummaries[*].Id' --output text) aws xray batch-get-traces --trace-ids $TRACEIDS --query 'Traces[*]'

The script retrieves full traces generated between one and two minutes ago.

~/eb-java-scorekeep$ ./bin/ | less [ { "Segments": [ { "Id": "3f212bc237bafd5d", "Document": "{\"id\":\"3f212bc237bafd5d\",\"name\":\"DynamoDB\",\"trace_id\":\"1-5828d9f2-a90669393f4343211bc1cf75\",\"start_time\":1.479072242459E9,\"end_time\":1.479072242477E9,\"parent_id\":\"72a08dcf87991ca9\",\"http\":{\"response\":{\"content_length\":60,\"status\":200}},\"inferred\":true,\"aws\":{\"consistent_read\":false,\"table_name\":\"scorekeep-session-xray\",\"operation\":\"GetItem\",\"request_id\":\"QAKE0S8DD0LJM245KAOPMA746BVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG\",\"resource_names\":[\"scorekeep-session-xray\"]},\"origin\":\"AWS::DynamoDB::Table\"}" }, { "Id": "309e355f1148347f", "Document": "{\"id\":\"309e355f1148347f\",\"name\":\"DynamoDB\",\"trace_id\":\"1-5828d9f2-a90669393f4343211bc1cf75\",\"start_time\":1.479072242477E9,\"end_time\":1.479072242494E9,\"parent_id\":\"37f14ef837f00022\",\"http\":{\"response\":{\"content_length\":606,\"status\":200}},\"inferred\":true,\"aws\":{\"table_name\":\"scorekeep-game-xray\",\"operation\":\"UpdateItem\",\"request_id\":\"388GEROC4PCA6D59ED3CTI5EEJVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG\",\"resource_names\":[\"scorekeep-game-xray\"]},\"origin\":\"AWS::DynamoDB::Table\"}" } ], "Id": "1-5828d9f2-a90669393f4343211bc1cf75", "Duration": 0.05099987983703613 } ...


Terminate your Elastic Beanstalk environment to shut down the Amazon EC2 instances, DynamoDB tables and other resources.

To terminate your Elastic Beanstalk environment
  1. Open the Elastic Beanstalk console.

  2. Navigate to the management console for your environment.

  3. Choose Actions.

  4. Choose Terminate Environment.

  5. Choose Terminate.

Trace data is automatically deleted from X-Ray after 30 days.