Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database functions - Amazon Aurora

Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database functions

The following table shows the new functions for Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database.


The functions listed in this table are located in the rds_aurora schema. When using a Limitless Database function, make sure to include the fully qualified object name: rds_aurora.object_name.

Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database function Corresponding Aurora PostgreSQL function
limitless_backend_dsid pg_backend_pid
limitless_cancel_session pg_cancel_backend
limitless_stat_clear_snapshot pg_stat_clear_snapshot
limitless_stat_database_size pg_database_size
limitless_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp pg_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp
limitless_stat_prepared_xacts pg_prepared_xacts
limitless_stat_relation_sizes pg_indexes_size, pg_relation_size, pg_table_size, pg_total_relation_size
limitless_stat_reset pg_stat_reset
limitless_stat_statements_reset pg_stat_statements_reset
limitless_stat_system_waits aurora_stat_system_waits
limitless_terminate_session pg_terminate_backend
limitless_wait_report aurora_wait_report

The following examples provide details about the Aurora PostgreSQL Limitless Database functions. For more information on PostgreSQL functions, see Functions and operators in the PostgreSQL documentation.


The limitless_backend_dsid function returns the distributed session ID for the current session. A distributed session runs on a router in a DB shard group and involves backend processes on one or more shards in the DB shard group.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_backend_dsid function.

SELECT rds_aurora.limitless_backend_dsid(); limitless_backend_dsid ------------------------ 8CACD7B04D0FC2A5 (1 row)

The limitless_cancel_session function works similarly to pg_cancel_backend, but it tries to cancel all backend processes related to the provided distributed session ID by sending a SIGINT (interruption signal).

The input parameter is the following:

  • distributed_session_id (text) – The ID of the distributed session to be canceled.

The output parameters are the following:

  • subcluster_id (text) – The ID of the subcluster to which this process belongs.

  • pid (text) – The backend process ID.

  • success (boolean) – Whether the cancellation was successful.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_cancel_session function.

SELECT * FROM rds_aurora.limitless_cancel_session('940CD5C81E3C796B'); subcluster_id | pid | success ---------------+-------+--------- 1 | 26920 | t (1 row)

The limitless_stat_clear_snapshot function discards the current statistics snapshot or cached information on all nodes.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_stat_clear_snapshot function.

SELECT rds_aurora.limitless_stat_clear_snapshot();

The limitless_stat_database_size function returns the sizes of a database in the DB shard group.

The input parameter is the following:

  • dbname (name) – The database for which to get the sizes.

The output parameters are the following:

  • subcluster_id (text) – The ID of the subcluster to which this process belongs.

  • subcluster_type (text) – The type of subcluster to which this process belongs: router or shard.

  • db_size – The size of the database in this subcluster in bytes.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_stat_database_size function.

SELECT * FROM rds_aurora.limitless_stat_database_size('postgres_limitless'); subcluster_id | subcluster_type | db_size ---------------+-----------------+---------- 1 | router | 8895919 2 | router | 8904111 3 | shard | 21929391 4 | shard | 21913007 5 | shard | 21831087 (5 rows)

The limitless_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp function returns the timestamp of the current statistics snapshot, or NULL if no statistics snapshot has been taken. A snapshot is taken the first time cumulative statistics are accessed in a transaction if stats_fetch_consistency is set to snapshot. Returns a consolidated view of snapshot timestamps from all nodes. The subcluster_id and subcluster_type columns show which node the data is from.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp function.

SELECT * FROM rds_aurora.limitless_stat_get_snapshot_timestamp(); subcluster_id | subcluster_type | snapshot_timestamp ---------------+-----------------+-------------------- 1 | router | 2 | router | 3 | shard | 4 | shard | 5 | shard | (5 rows)

The limitless_stat_prepared_xacts function returns information about transactions on all nodes that are currently prepared for two-phase commit. For more information, see pg_prepared_xacts in the PostgreSQL documentation.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_stat_prepared_xacts function.

postgres_limitless=> SELECT * FROM rds_aurora.limitless_stat_prepared_xacts; subcluster_id | subcluster_type | transaction_id | gid | prepared | owner_id | database_id ---------------+-----------------+----------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------+-------------------- 8 | shard | 5815978 | 7_4599899_postgres_limitless | 2024-09-03 15:51:17.659603+00 | auroraperf | postgres_limitless 12 | shard | 4599138 | 7_4599899_postgres_limitless | 2024-09-03 15:51:17.659637+00 | auroraperf | postgres_limitless (2 rows)

The limitless_stat_relation_sizes function returns the different sizes of a table in the DB shard group.

The input parameters are the following:

  • relnspname (name) – The name of the schema containing the table.

  • relname (name) – The name of the table.

The output parameters are the following:

  • subcluster_id (text) – The ID of the subcluster to which this process belongs.

  • subcluster_type (text) – The type of subcluster to which this process belongs: router or shard.

  • main_size – The size in bytes of the main data fork in this node.

  • fsm_size – The size in bytes of the free space map for the table in this node.

  • vm_size – The size in bytes of the visibility map for the table in this node.

  • init_size – The size in bytes of the initialization of the table in this node.

  • toast_size – The size in bytes of the toast table associated with the table in this fork.

  • index_size – The size in bytes of all of the indexes for the table in this node.

  • total_size – The size in bytes of all of the segments of the table in this node.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_stat_relation_sizes function (some columns are omitted).

SELECT * FROM rds_aurora.limitless_stat_relation_sizes('public','customers'); subcluster_id | subcluster_type | main_size | fsm_size | vm_size | toast_size | table_size | total_size ---------------+-----------------+-----------+----------+---------+------------+------------+------------ 1 | router | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 2 | router | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 3 | shard | 4169728 | 4177920 | 1392640 | 1392640 | 11132928 | 11132928 4 | shard | 4169728 | 4177920 | 1392640 | 1392640 | 11132928 | 11132928 5 | shard | 3981312 | 4227072 | 1409024 | 1409024 | 11026432 | 11026432 (5 rows)

The limitless_stat_reset function resets all statistics counters for the current database to zero (0). If track_functions is enabled, the stats_reset column in limitless_stat_database shows the last time statistics were reset for the database. By default, limitless_stat_reset can be run only by a superuser. Other users can be granted permission by using the EXECUTE privilege.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_stat_reset function.

SELECT tup_inserted, tup_deleted FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = 'postgres_limitless'; tup_inserted | tup_deleted --------------+------------- 896 | 0 (1 row) SELECT rds_aurora.limitless_stat_reset(); limitless_stat_reset --------------------- (1 row) SELECT tup_inserted, tup_deleted FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = 'postgres_limitless'; tup_inserted | tup_deleted -------------+------------- 0 | 0 (1 row)

The limitless_stat_statements_reset function discards statistics gathered so far by limitless_stat_statements corresponding to the specified username, dbname, distributed_query_id, and queryid parameters. If any of the parameters aren't specified, the default value "" or 0 (invalid) is used for each of them, and the statistics that match with other parameters are reset. If no parameter is specified, or all the specified parameters are "" or 0 (invalid), the function discards all statistics. If all statistics in the limitless_stat_statements view are discarded, the function also resets the statistics in the limitless_stat_statements_info view.

The input parameters are the following:

  • username (name) – The user that queried the statement.

  • dbname (name) – The database where the query was run.

  • distributed_query_id (bigint) – The query ID of the parent query from the coordinator node. This column is NULL if it's the parent query. The coordinator node pushes down the distributed query ID to the participant nodes. So for the participant nodes, the values for distributed query ID and query ID are different.

  • queryid (bigint) – The query ID of the statement.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_stat_statements_reset function to reset all of the statistics gathered by limitless_stat_statements.

SELECT rds_aurora.limitless_stat_statements_reset();

The limitless_stat_system_waits function returns a consolidated view of the wait event data from aurora_stat_system_waits, which reports system wide wait activity in an instance, from all nodes. The subcluster_id and subcluster_type columns show which node the data is from.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_stat_system_waits function.

postgres_limitless=> SELECT * FROM rds_aurora.limitless_stat_system_waits() lssw, pg_catalog.aurora_stat_wait_event() aswe WHERE lssw.event_id=aswe.event_id and aswe.event_name='LimitlessTaskScheduler'; subcluster_id | subcluster_type | type_id | event_id | waits | wait_time | event_name ---------------+-----------------+---------+-----------+--------+--------------+------------------------ 1 | router | 12 | 201326607 | 677068 | 616942216307 | LimitlessTaskScheduler 2 | router | 12 | 201326607 | 678586 | 616939897111 | LimitlessTaskScheduler 3 | shard | 12 | 201326607 | 756640 | 616965545172 | LimitlessTaskScheduler 4 | shard | 12 | 201326607 | 755184 | 616958057620 | LimitlessTaskScheduler 5 | shard | 12 | 201326607 | 757522 | 616963183539 | LimitlessTaskScheduler (5 rows)

The limitless_terminate_session function works similarly to pg_terminate_backend, but it tries to end all backend processes related to the provided distributed session ID by sending a SIGTERM (end signal).

The input parameter is the following:

  • distributed_session_id (text) – The ID of the distributed session to be ended.

The output parameters are the following:

  • subcluster_id (text) – The ID of the subcluster to which this process belongs.

  • pid (text) – The backend process ID.

  • success (boolean) – Whether the process was successfully ended.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_terminate_session function.

SELECT * FROM rds_aurora.limitless_terminate_session('940CD5C81E3C796B'); subcluster_id | pid | success ---------------+-------+--------- 1 | 26920 | t (1 row)

The limitless_wait_report function returns the wait event activity over a period of time from all nodes. The subcluster_id and subcluster_type columns show which node the data is from.

The output parameters are the following:

  • subcluster_id (text) – The ID of the subcluster to which this process belongs.

  • subcluster_type (text) – The type of subcluster to which this process belongs: router or shard.

The rest of the columns are the same as in aurora_wait_report.

The following example shows how to use the limitless_wait_report function.

postgres_limitless=> select * from rds_aurora.limitless_wait_report(); subcluster_id | subcluster_type | type_name | event_name | waits | wait_time | ms_per_wait | waits_per_xact | ms_per_xact ---------------+-----------------+-----------+------------+-------+-----------+-------------+--------------- +------------- 1 | router | Client | ClientRead | 57 | 741550.14 | 13009.652 | 0.19 | 2505.237 5 | shard | Client | ClientRead | 54 | 738897.68 | 13683.290 | 0.18 | 2496.276 4 | shard | Client | ClientRead | 54 | 738859.53 | 13682.584 | 0.18 | 2496.147 2 | router | Client | ClientRead | 53 | 719223.64 | 13570.257 | 0.18 | 2429.810 3 | shard | Client | ClientRead | 54 | 461720.40 | 8550.378 | 0.18 | 1559.86