BucketLevel - Amazon Simple Storage Service


A container for the bucket-level configuration for Amazon S3 Storage Lens.

For more information about S3 Storage Lens, see Assessing your storage activity and usage with S3 Storage Lens in the Amazon S3 User Guide.



A container for the bucket-level activity metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

Type: ActivityMetrics data type

Required: No


A container for bucket-level advanced cost-optimization metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

Type: AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics data type

Required: No


A container for bucket-level advanced data-protection metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

Type: AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics data type

Required: No


A container for bucket-level detailed status code metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

Type: DetailedStatusCodesMetrics data type

Required: No


A container for the prefix-level metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

Type: PrefixLevel data type

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: