将 ListRolePolicies 与 AWS SDK 或 CLI 配合使用 - AWS Identity and Access Management

ListRolePolicies 与 AWS SDK 或 CLI 配合使用

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListRolePolicies


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/// <summary> /// List IAM role policies. /// </summary> /// <param name="roleName">The IAM role for which to list IAM policies.</param> /// <returns>A list of IAM policy names.</returns> public async Task<List<string>> ListRolePoliciesAsync(string roleName) { var listRolePoliciesPaginator = _IAMService.Paginators.ListRolePolicies(new ListRolePoliciesRequest { RoleName = roleName }); var policyNames = new List<string>(); await foreach (var response in listRolePoliciesPaginator.Responses) { policyNames.AddRange(response.PolicyNames); } return policyNames; }
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅 AWS SDK for .NET API 参考中的 ListRolePolicies


要列出附加到 IAM 角色的策略

以下 list-role-policies 命令将列出指定 IAM 角色的权限策略名称。

aws iam list-role-policies \ --role-name Test-Role


{ "PolicyNames": [ "ExamplePolicy" ] }

要查看附加到角色的信任策略,请使用 get-role 命令。要查看权限策略的详细信息,请使用 get-role-policy 命令。

有关更多信息,请参阅《AWS IAM 用户指南》中的创建 IAM 角色

  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《AWS CLI 命令参考》中的 ListRolePolicies

适用于 Go V2 的 SDK

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// RoleWrapper encapsulates AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role actions // used in the examples. // It contains an IAM service client that is used to perform role actions. type RoleWrapper struct { IamClient *iam.Client } // ListRolePolicies lists the inline policies for a role. func (wrapper RoleWrapper) ListRolePolicies(roleName string) ([]string, error) { var policies []string result, err := wrapper.IamClient.ListRolePolicies(context.TODO(), &iam.ListRolePoliciesInput{ RoleName: aws.String(roleName), }) if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't list policies for role %v. Here's why: %v\n", roleName, err) } else { policies = result.PolicyNames } return policies, err }
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅 AWS SDK for Go API 参考中的 ListRolePolicies

SDK for JavaScript (v3)

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import { ListRolePoliciesCommand, IAMClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-iam"; const client = new IAMClient({}); /** * A generator function that handles paginated results. * The AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) provides {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/index.html#paginators | paginator} functions to simplify this. * * @param {string} roleName */ export async function* listRolePolicies(roleName) { const command = new ListRolePoliciesCommand({ RoleName: roleName, MaxItems: 10, }); let response = await client.send(command); while (response.PolicyNames?.length) { for (const policyName of response.PolicyNames) { yield policyName; } if (response.IsTruncated) { response = await client.send( new ListRolePoliciesCommand({ RoleName: roleName, MaxItems: 10, Marker: response.Marker, }), ); } else { break; } } }
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《AWS SDK for JavaScript API 参考》中的 ListRolePolicies

适用于 PHP 的 SDK

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$uuid = uniqid(); $service = new IAMService(); public function listRolePolicies($roleName, $marker = "", $maxItems = 0) { $listRolePoliciesArguments = ['RoleName' => $roleName]; if ($marker) { $listRolePoliciesArguments['Marker'] = $marker; } if ($maxItems) { $listRolePoliciesArguments['MaxItems'] = $maxItems; } return $this->customWaiter(function () use ($listRolePoliciesArguments) { return $this->iamClient->listRolePolicies($listRolePoliciesArguments); }); }
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 AWS SDK for PHP API 参考中的 ListRolePolicies

适用于 PowerShell 的工具

示例 1:此示例返回 IAM 角色 lamda_exec_role 中嵌入的内联策略名称列表。要查看内联策略的详细信息,请使用 Get-IAMRolePolicy 命令。

Get-IAMRolePolicyList -RoleName lambda_exec_role


  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet 参考》中的 ListRolePolicies

SDK for Python (Boto3)

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def list_policies(role_name): """ Lists inline policies for a role. :param role_name: The name of the role to query. """ try: role = iam.Role(role_name) for policy in role.policies.all(): logger.info("Got inline policy %s.", policy.name) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't list inline policies for %s.", role_name) raise
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API 参考》中的 ListRolePolicies

适用于 Ruby 的 SDK

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# Lists policy ARNs attached to a role # # @param role_name [String] The name of the role # @return [Array<String>] List of policy ARNs def list_attached_policy_arns(role_name) response = @iam_client.list_attached_role_policies(role_name: role_name) response.attached_policies.map(&:policy_arn) rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::ServiceError => e @logger.error("Error listing policies attached to role: #{e.message}") [] end
  • 有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 AWS SDK for Ruby API 参考中的 ListRolePolicies

适用于 Rust 的 SDK

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pub async fn list_role_policies( client: &iamClient, role_name: &str, marker: Option<String>, max_items: Option<i32>, ) -> Result<ListRolePoliciesOutput, SdkError<ListRolePoliciesError>> { let response = client .list_role_policies() .role_name(role_name) .set_marker(marker) .set_max_items(max_items) .send() .await?; Ok(response) }
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅《AWS SDK for Rust API 参考》中的 ListRolePolicies

SDK for Swift

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public func listRolePolicies(role: String) async throws -> [String] { var policyList: [String] = [] var marker: String? = nil var isTruncated: Bool repeat { let input = ListRolePoliciesInput( marker: marker, roleName: role ) let output = try await client.listRolePolicies(input: input) guard let policies = output.policyNames else { return policyList } for policy in policies { policyList.append(policy) } marker = output.marker isTruncated = output.isTruncated } while isTruncated == true return policyList }
  • 有关 API 详细信息,请参阅 AWS SDK for Swift API 参考中的 ListRolePolicies

有关 AWS SDK 开发人员指南和代码示例的完整列表,请参阅 将此服务与 AWS SDK 结合使用。本主题还包括有关入门的信息以及有关先前的 SDK 版本的详细信息。