Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go - Amazon S3 Encryption Client

Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go


This documentation describes the Amazon S3 Encryption Client version 3.x, which is an independent library. For information about previous versions of the Amazon S3 Encryption Client, see the AWS SDK Developer Guide for your programming language.

This topic explains how to install and use the Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go. For details about programming with the Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go, see the amazon-s3-encryption-client-go repository on GitHub.

Prerequisites for installing the Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go

Before you install the Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go, be sure you have the following prerequisites.

A Go development environment

The Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go requires Go 1.20 or later, but we recommend that you use the latest version.

You can view your current version of Go by running the following command.

go version
AWS SDK for Go 2.x

The Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go requires the Amazon S3 and AWS KMS service clients of the AWS SDK for Go 2.x. Service clients can be constructed using either the NewFromConfig or New function. For more information, see Using the AWS SDK for Go V2 with AWS services in the AWS SDK for Go Developer Guide.

For information about updating your version of the AWS SDK for Go, see Migration to the AWS SDK for Go V2 in the AWS SDK for Go Developer Guide.

Installing the Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go

To install the Amazon S3 Encryption Client for Go and its dependencies, run the following Go command.

go get