Source attribution with citations in Amazon Q Business - Amazon Q Business

Source attribution with citations in Amazon Q Business

The Amazon Q Business web experience chat response provides in-text source citations for responses that use the organization's data sources and knowledge base as a source. The chat response also provides an entire list of sources used to generate the response.

In-text source citations

In-text citations are provided in the form of a numbered list at the end of a sentence. To view an in-text source citation, choose a citation number. Each citation provides the following attributes:

  • Title – The title of the document that's the source for the generated response.

  • URL – The URL of the document that's the source for the generated response. Choose the URL to view the source document.

  • Snippet – The snippet from the document from the source document that was used to generate each sentence in the response.

Source list

Sources used to generate the response are provided at the end of the response. Each source listed provides the following attributes:

  • Citation number – The number provided at the end of the sentences in the response.

  • Title – The title of the document that's the source for the generated response.

  • Text segment – A text extract from a source document that's used for source attribution.

  • URL – The URL of the document that's the source for the generated response.