Applications you can containerize using AWS App2Container - AWS App2Container

Applications you can containerize using AWS App2Container

App2Container supports the following application types:

  • Java applications (Linux)

  • ASP.NET applications (Windows, Linux)

For supported application frameworks, App2Container targets only the application files and dependencies that are needed for containerization, thereby minimizing the size of the resulting container image. This is known as application mode.

If App2Container does not find a supported framework running on your application server, or if you have other dependent processes running on your server, App2Container takes a conservative approach to identifying dependencies. This is known as process mode. For process mode, all non-system files on the application server are included in the container image.

For more details on application and framework support, expand the section that matches the platform that your application runs on.


App2Container does not containerize database layer components. If your application requires access to a database, you must configure your application container to have access to the database server.

App2Container supports identification and containerization of Java and ASP.NET applications running on Linux.

Supported Linux distributions:
  • Ubuntu

  • CentOS

  • RHEL

  • Amazon Linux

For supported frameworks, and other language-specific details, choose the tab that matches the language your application is written in.


For Java applications, App2Container identifies Java processes, and can generate container images that replicate the running state of each process. App2Container determines which files to include in the application container image, based on the Java application framework.

Application mode is supported for the following Java application frameworks:

Supported frameworks
  • Tomcat

  • TomEE

  • JBoss (standalone mode)


Containerization is not supported for Java applications running on frameworks that are using Cluster/HA mode.


For ASP.NET applications running on Linux, App2Container detects the .NET runtime version and containerizes the application using the corresponding runtime base images.

Supported .NET Core runtime versions
  • .NET Core 3.1 – uses SDK version 3.1 as the base image for generic .NET Core applications (or the highest version if multiple versions are used).

  • .NET 5 – uses SDK version 5.0 as the base image for generic .NET Core applications (or the highest version if multiple versions are used).

  • .NET 6 – uses SDK version 6.0 as the base image for generic .NET Core applications (or the highest version if multiple versions are used).

  • .NET 7 – uses SDK version 7.0 as the base image for generic .NET Core applications (or the highest version if multiple versions are used).

  • .NET 8 – uses SDK version 8.0 as the base image for generic .NET Core applications (or the highest version if multiple versions are used).

  • Process mode is not supported for ASP.NET applications running on .NET Core.

  • If you are using .NET Core 3.1 or .NET 5, you must update the analysis.json file's containerBaseImage parameter to or, respectively. For more information, see Configuring application containers.

App2Container supports containerization of ASP.NET applications deployed on IIS, including IIS-hosted WCF applications, running on Windows Server 2016, 2019, and 2022. It uses Windows Server Core as a base image for its container artifacts, matching the Windows Server Core version to the operating system (OS) version of the server where you run containerization commands.

If you use a worker machine to containerize your application, the version matches your worker machine OS. If you are running containerization directly on application servers, the version matches your application server OS.

If your applications are running on Windows Server 2008 or 2012 R2, you might still be able to use App2Container by setting up a worker machine for containerization and deployment steps. App2Container does not support applications running on Windows client operating systems, such as Windows 7 or Windows 10.

Application framework and system requirements
  • Containerization commands must run on Windows OS versions that support containers—Windows Server 2016, 2019, or 2022. This can be the worker machine, if you configure one, or the application server.

  • If you use a worker machine to run containerization commands, App2Container supports Windows Server 2008 and up for the application server.

  • IIS 7.5 or later.

  • .NET framework version 3.5 or later.

  • Docker version 17.07 or later (to install).


App2Container does not support applications running on Windows client operating systems, such as Windows 7 or Windows 10.

Supported applications
  • Simple ASP.NET applications running in a single container

  • A Windows service running in a single container

  • Complex ASP.NET applications that depend on WCF, running in a single container or multiple containers

  • Complex ASP.NET applications that depend on Windows services or processes outside of IIS, running in a single container or multiple containers

  • Complex, multi-node IIS or Windows service applications, running in a single container or multiple containers

Unsupported applications
  • ASP.NET applications that use files and registries outside of IIS web application directories

  • ASP.NET applications that depend on features of a Windows operating system version prior to Windows Server Core 2016