Standard IaC resource cards - AWS Application Composer

Standard IaC resource cards

All AWS CloudFormation resources are available to use as standard IaC resource cards from the Resources palette. When you drag a standard IaC resource card onto the canvas, a standard IaC resource card becomes a standard component card, and this prompts Application Composer to create a starting template for your resource in your application. The following is an example starting template of an Alexa::ASK::Skill standard IaC resource:

Resources: Skill: Type: Alexa::ASK::Skill Properties: AuthenticationConfiguration: RefreshToken: <String> ClientSecret: <String> ClientId: <String> VendorId: <String> SkillPackage: S3Bucket: <String> S3Key: <String>

A standard IaC resource card starting template consists of the following:

  • The AWS CloudFormation resource type.

  • Required or commonly used properties.

  • The required type of the value to provide for each property.

Using Amazon CodeWhisperer to generate infrastructure code

You can use CodeWhisperer to generate infrastructure code suggestions for standard resource cards. To learn more, see Using AWS Application Composer with Amazon CodeWhisperer.