Using Application Composer from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code - AWS Application Composer

Using Application Composer from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code

This section covers the specific use cases of using AWS Application Composer from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code.

For general documentation on using Application Composer, see How to compose.

Accessing Application Composer from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code

To install Application Composer from the Toolkit for VS Code
To access Application Composer from the Toolkit for VS Code

You can access Application Composer in any of the following ways:

  1. By selecting the Application Composer button from any AWS CloudFormation or AWS SAM template.

  2. Through the context menu by right-clicking on your AWS CloudFormation or AWS SAM template.

  3. From the VS Code Command Palette.

The following is an example of accessing Application Composer from the Application Composer button:

Application Composer being accessed through the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code.

For more information on accessing Application Composer, see Accessing AWS Application Composer from the Toolkit.