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以下代码示例演示如何使用 GetMetricStatistics
- AWS SDK for .NET
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中进行设置和运行。 /// <summary> /// Get billing statistics using a call to a wrapper class. /// </summary> /// <returns>A collection of billing statistics.</returns> private static async Task<List<Datapoint>> SetupBillingStatistics() { // Make a request for EstimatedCharges with a period of one day for the past seven days. var billingStatistics = await _cloudWatchWrapper.GetMetricStatistics( "AWS/Billing", "EstimatedCharges", new List<string>() { "Maximum" }, new List<Dimension>() { new Dimension { Name = "Currency", Value = "USD" } }, 7, 86400); billingStatistics = billingStatistics.OrderBy(n => n.Timestamp).ToList(); return billingStatistics; } /// <summary> /// Wrapper to get statistics for a specific CloudWatch metric. /// </summary> /// <param name="metricNamespace">The namespace of the metric.</param> /// <param name="metricName">The name of the metric.</param> /// <param name="statistics">The list of statistics to include.</param> /// <param name="dimensions">The list of dimensions to include.</param> /// <param name="days">The number of days in the past to include.</param> /// <param name="period">The period for the data.</param> /// <returns>A list of DataPoint objects for the statistics.</returns> public async Task<List<Datapoint>> GetMetricStatistics(string metricNamespace, string metricName, List<string> statistics, List<Dimension> dimensions, int days, int period) { var metricStatistics = await _amazonCloudWatch.GetMetricStatisticsAsync( new GetMetricStatisticsRequest() { Namespace = metricNamespace, MetricName = metricName, Dimensions = dimensions, Statistics = statistics, StartTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-days), EndTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow, Period = period }); return metricStatistics.Datapoints; }
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