///<summary>/// Get data about a keyspace.///</summary>///<param name="keyspaceName">The name of the keyspace.</param>///<returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the keyspace.</returns>publicasync Task<string> GetKeyspace(string keyspaceName){var response = await _amazonKeyspaces.GetKeyspaceAsync(
new GetKeyspaceRequest { KeyspaceName = keyspaceName });
return response.ResourceArn;
有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 AWS SDK for .NET API 参考GetKeyspace中的。
///<summary>/// Get data about a keyspace.///</summary>///<param name="keyspaceName">The name of the keyspace.</param>///<returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the keyspace.</returns>publicasync Task<string> GetKeyspace(string keyspaceName){var response = await _amazonKeyspaces.GetKeyspaceAsync(
new GetKeyspaceRequest { KeyspaceName = keyspaceName });
return response.ResourceArn;
有关 API 的详细信息,请参阅 AWS SDK for .NET API 参考GetKeyspace中的。