View all findings - Amazon CodeGuru Security

Amazon CodeGuru Security is in preview release and is subject to change.

View all findings

You can view a list of all findings in your account on the Findings page in the CodeGuru Security console, or use the AWS CLI and AWS SDKs.

View findings in the console

The Overview panel summarizes the security posture of your code based on open critical findings and provides the number of open critical findings in your account, if any. The Closed findings panel lists how many findings you have addressed across all scans. The Findings summary panel indicates how many findings of each severity level are open across all scans. For information about the severity of findings, see Severity definitions.

The Findings section lists all findings in your account, including the name of the vulnerability, the name of the scan that generated the finding, the severity of the finding, the age of the finding, the time the finding was detected, and the status of the finding.

You can customize what findings are listed on the Findings page using the dropdown menus next to the search bar. Findings are grouped by severity. By default, findings with critical severity are shown. You can choose the All severities dropdown menu to change which finding severity you want to view. Choose the Open status dropdown to change the status of findings you want to view.

To customize the view of the Findings table, choose the gear icon on the upper right side of the table. In the Preferences window that appears, you can select page size, display settings, and which columns you want to see.

View findings with the AWS CLI or AWS SDKs

To view a list of findings in your account with the AWS CLI or AWS SDKs, use the ListFindings or BatchGetFindings operations. For more information, see the Amazon CodeGuru Security API Reference.