Publishing a new data set revision in AWS Data Exchange - AWS Data Exchange User Guide

Publishing a new data set revision in AWS Data Exchange

AWS Data Exchange supports dynamically updated products. Subscribers subscribe to the product for a certain duration and access all of the published data sets as long as their subscription is active. For example, a provider might want to provide a product that contains daily closing stock prices for US equities, which would be updated every day with the day’s closing prices. You can create and finalize new revisions that will be available in your product’s data sets, or add new data sets to your product.

Your product includes some or all historical and future revisions as part of a subscription. For more information, see Revision access rules in AWS Data Exchange.

In the following procedure, you create and finalize a new revision for a data set that has already been published using the AWS Data Exchange console. The data set revision is then automatically published to all products the data set belongs to. For more information, see Revisions.


A provider can revoke subscriber access to a revision and then delete the assets of the revision using the console or the AWS Data Exchange API. For more information, see Revoking revisions in AWS Data Exchange.

To publish a new data set revision to a product
  1. Open your web browser and sign in to the AWS Data Exchange console.

  2. On the left side navigation pane, under Publish data, choose Owned data sets.

  3. In Owned data sets, choose the data set you want to update.

  4. Navigate to the Products tab to make sure that the data set is associated with a published product.

  5. From the Revisions tab, choose Create revision to open the Create revision page.

    1. (Optional) Under Revision settings, provide an optional comment for your revision that describes the purpose of the revision.

    2. (Optional) Under Add tags – optional, add tags associated with the resource.

    3. Choose Create revision.

      Your new revision is created.

  6. Under the Jobs section, choose either Import from Amazon S3 or Upload (to upload from your computer), depending on if the assets you want to include are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket you own or on your local computer.

    1. Follow the prompts, depending on your selection. A job is started to import your asset into your data set.

    2. After the job is finished, the State field in the Jobs section is updated to Completed.

  7. Under Revision overview, review your revision and its assets, and then choose Finalize.

The revision has been published to the product and is now available to subscribers.

Suggested approach for historical data published with the Files delivery type

Some dynamic products contain historical content that subscribers can access. For example, if your product includes a 30-year history of daily closing stock price for US equities, subscribers would get access to that data in addition to the dynamic updates every day.

For these kinds of products that contain a historical record of data, a best practice is to publish all historical data in a single revision of the data set. You can use the optional comment for the revision to indicate that this revision is a single upload of all data history from a specific date.

If the single historical revision contains a time series of multiple objects, you might consider labeling your object names to describe the underlying data periodicity. For example, if your single revision of history contains 200 files each with a week of historical data, you can name each file with a date for the week the data history begins.

Suggested approaches for updates

You can dynamically update your data sets in a number of ways. Here are three example approaches, all of which create a new revision for each update, but the content of the new revision is different.

  • Use a new revision for each update that contains only the items that have changed since the last revision – Your revision size would be smaller because only those items that have changed are updated. This approach is suitable for data sets for which the updates affect only a small subset of the data and subscribers are focused only on the items that have changed.

  • Use a new revision for each update that contains the updated data – The new revision contains a full updated file. All items are included in the new revision, including those that have not changed since the last revision. This approach is convenient for subscribers who want to maintain a single up-to-date file for your data. Subscribers export the latest revision's asset or assets to the same destination and override the previous file or files.

  • Use a new revision for each update that contains the full history and updated data – The new revision contains the full history of the data, including the latest state of the data and the history of the previous revisions. This approach is more storage-heavy. It's suitable for data sets for which subscribers are interested in the latest comprehensive view of the data's history, including any potential past corrections or adjustments. In this approach, each revision is self-sufficient and provides a full view of the data set history with no dependency on previous revisions.