Using Managed kdb Insights clusters - Amazon FinSpace

Using Managed kdb Insights clusters

After you successfully create clusters in your kdb environment, you can use the clusters to do the following:

  • Monitor cluster metrics – You can view the available cluster metrics in CloudWatch for your clusters. Using the Monitoring tab you can adjust the date and time range and refresh frequency as you need. You can also add the graphs to CloudWatch dashboards from this tab. For more information, see the Monitoring Managed kdb cluster metrics section.

  • View logs – You can view KDB application logs from Managed kdb Insights clusters using the Logs tab. You can view data directly in CloudWatch using CloudWatch reporting or CloudWatch Insights. For more information, see the Logging section.

  • Connect to clusters – FinSpace provides you the ability to discover clusters in your dedicated account and connect to them. You can do this by using discovery API operations and q API operations. For more information on how to connect to a cluster, see the Connecting to a cluster endpoint or node in a cluster section.

  • Load code on to a cluster – You can run your own KDB code on the cluster and perform analytics or query data in a database. For this, FinSpace provides a set of q API operations that you can use to perform required functions. For more information, see the Running code on a Managed kdb Insights cluster section.