If you are completely done with your migration and performed a successful cutover, you can finalize the cutover. This will change your source servers' Migration lifecycle status to Cutover complete, indicating that the cutover is complete and that the migration has been performed successfully. In addition, this will stop data replication and cause all replicated data to be discarded. All AWS resources used for data replication will be terminated.
To finalize a cutover:
Check the box to the left of every source server that has a launched cutover instance you want to finalize.
Open the Test and cutover menu.
Under Cutover, choose Finalize cutover.
The Finalize cutover for X servers dialog will appear. Choose Finalize. This will change your source servers' Migration lifecycle status to Cutover complete, indicating that the cutover is complete and that the migration has been performed successfully. In addition, this will stop data replication and cause all replicated data to be discarded. All AWS resources used for data replication will be terminated.
The AWS Application Migration Service console will indicate Cutover finalized when the cutover has completed successfully.
The AWS Application Migration Service console will automatically stop data replication for the source servers that were cutover in order to save resource costs. The selected source servers' Migration lifecycle column will show the Cutover complete status, the Data replication status column will show Disconnected, and the Next step column will show Mark as archived. The source servers have now been successfully migrated into AWS.
You can now archive your source servers that have launched cutover instances. Archiving will remove these source servers from the main Source servers page, allowing you to focus on source servers that have not yet been cutover. You will still be able to access the archived servers through filtering options.
To archive your cutover source servers:
Check the box to the left of the of each source server for which the Migration lifecycle column states Cutover complete.
Open the Actions menu and choose Mark as archived.
When the Archive X server dialog will appears, click Archive.
To see your archived servers, open the Preferences menu by choosing the gear button.
Toggle the Show only archived servers option and click Confirm.
You will now be able to see all of your archived servers. Untoggle the Show only archived servers option to show non-archived servers.