The .vectors.remove
algorithm is used to remove the embedding from
a node.
CALL neptune.algo.vectors.remove( [
a list of one or more nodes
] ) YIELD node, success RETURN node, success
a target node list (required) – type:
.The node(s) from which you want to remove the embedding. If an empty list is supplied, the result will be empty.
The following outputs are returned for each target node, and if the node has an embedding, the embedding is removed:
node – The target node.
success – A Boolean value:
indicates that the removal succeded for the node, andfalse
indicates that it failed.
query examples
CALL neptune.algo.vectors.remove( ["person933"] ) YIELD node, success RETURN node, success
MATCH (n: Student) CALL neptune.algo.vectors.remove(n) YIELD status RETURN n, success
Sample .vectors.remove
Here is an example of the output returned by .vectors.remove
when run against
the sample
Wikipedia dataset
aws neptune-graph execute-query \
--graph-identifier ${graphIdentifier} \
--query-string "MATCH (n {`~id`: '1'})
CALL neptune.algo.vectors.remove(n)
YIELD node, success
RETURN node, success" \
--language open_cypher \
"results": [
"node": {
"~id": "1",
"~entityType": "node",
"~labels": [],
"~properties": {
"title": "24-hour clock",
"views": 2450.62548828125,
"wiki_id": 9985,
"paragraph_id": 1,
"url": "",
"langs": 30,
"text": "A time in the 24-hour clock is written in the form hours:minutes (for example\\, 01:23)\\, or hours:minutes:seconds (01:23:45). Numbers under 10 have a zero in front (called a leading zero); e.g. 09:07. Under the 24-hour clock system\\, the day begins at midnight\\, 00:00\\, and the last minute of the day begins at 23:59 and ends at 24:00\\, which is identical to 00:00 of the following day. 12:00 can only be mid-day. Midnight is called 24:00 and is used to mean the end of the day and 00:00 is used to mean the beginning of the day. For example\\, you would say \"Tuesday at 24:00\" and \"Wednesday at 00:00\" to mean exactly the same time."
"success": true