Create a site using AWS Network Manager - AWS Network Manager

Create a site using AWS Network Manager

Create a site to represent the physical location of your network. Location information is used in the Network Manager transit gateway dashboards.

To create a site
  1. Access the Network Manager console at

  2. Under Connectivity, choose Global Networks.

  3. On the Global networks page, choose the global network ID.

  4. In the navigation pane, choose Sites. Choose Create site.

  5. For Name and Description, enter a name and description for the site.

  6. For Address, enter the physical address of the site, for example, New York, NY 10004.

  7. For Latitude, enter the latitude coordinates for the site, for example, 40.7128.

  8. For Longitude, enter the longitude coordinates for the site, for example, -74.0060.

  9. Choose Create site.

Creating and viewing a site using the AWS CLI

Use the following commands: