查看 Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion 管道 - 亚马逊 OpenSearch 服务


查看 Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion 管道

您可以使用 AWS Management Console、AWS CLI 或 OpenSearch Ingestion API,查看有关 Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion 管道的详细信息。

  1. 登录到位于 https://console.aws.amazon.com/aos/home 的 Amazon OpenSearch Service 控制台。

  2. 在左侧导航窗格中,选择管道

  3. (可选)要查看具有特定状态的管道,请选择任何状态并选择要筛选的状态类型。


    • Creating— 正在创建管道。

    • Active— 管道处于活动状态,并且可以摄取数据。

    • Updating— 正在更新管道。

    • Deleting— 正在删除管道。

    • Create failed— 无法创建管道。

    • Update failed— 无法更新管道。

    • Starting— 管道正在启动。

    • Start failed— 管道无法启动。

    • Stopping— 正在停止管道。

    • Stopped— 管道已停止,可以随时重新启动。

当管道处于 Create failedCreatingDeletingStopped 状态时,您无需为 Ingestion OCU 付费。

要使用 AWS CLI 查看管道,请发送 list-pipelines 请求:

aws osis list-pipelines


{ "NextToken": null, "Pipelines": [ {, "CreatedAt": 1.671055851E9, "LastUpdatedAt": 1.671055851E9, "MaxUnits": 4, "MinUnits": 2, "PipelineArn": "arn:aws:osis:us-west-2:123456789012:pipeline/log-pipeline", "PipelineName": "log-pipeline", "Status": "ACTIVE", "StatusReason": { "Description": "The pipeline is ready to ingest data." } }, "CreatedAt": 1.671055851E9, "LastUpdatedAt": 1.671055851E9, "MaxUnits": 2, "MinUnits": 8, "PipelineArn": "arn:aws:osis:us-west-2:123456789012:pipeline/another-pipeline", "PipelineName": "another-pipeline", "Status": "CREATING", "StatusReason": { "Description": "The pipeline is being created. It is not able to ingest data." } } ] }

要获取有关单个管道的信息,请使用 get-pipeline 命令:

aws osis get-pipeline --pipeline-name "my-pipeline"


{ "Pipeline": { "PipelineName": "my-pipeline", "PipelineArn": "arn:aws:osis:us-east-1:123456789012:pipeline/my-pipeline", "MinUnits": 9, "MaxUnits": 10, "Status": "ACTIVE", "StatusReason": { "Description": "The pipeline is ready to ingest data." }, "PipelineConfigurationBody": "log-pipeline:\n source:\n http:\n processor:\n - grok:\n match:\nlog: [ '%{COMMONAPACHELOG}' ]\n - date:\n from_time_received: true\n destination: \"@timestamp\"\n sink:\n - opensearch:\n hosts: [ \"https://search-mdp-performance-test-duxkb4qnycd63rpy6svmvyvfpi.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com\" ]\n index: \"apache_logs\"\n aws_sts_role_arn: \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/my-domain-role\"\n aws_region: \"us-east-1\"\n aws_sigv4: true",, "CreatedAt": "2022-10-01T15:28:05+00:00", "LastUpdatedAt": "2022-10-21T21:41:08+00:00", "IngestEndpointUrls": [ "my-pipeline-123456789012.us-east-1.osis.amazonaws.com" ] } }

要使用 OpenSearch Ingestion API 查看 OpenSearch Ingestion 管道,请调用 ListPipelinesGetPipeline 操作。