使用 Terraform 创建集群 - AWS ParallelCluster


使用 Terraform 创建集群

使用时 AWS ParallelCluster,您只需为创建或更新 AWS ParallelCluster 映像和集群时创建的 AWS 资源付费。有关更多信息,请参阅 AWS 使用的服务 AWS ParallelCluster


定义一个 Terraform 项目

在本教程中,您将定义一个简单的 Terraform 项目来部署集群。

  1. 创建一个名为的目录my-clusters


  2. 创建文件terraform.tf以导入 ParallelCluster 提供程序。

    terraform { required_version = ">= 1.5.7" required_providers { aws-parallelcluster = { source = "aws-tf/aws-parallelcluster" version = "1.0.0" } } }
  3. 创建文件providers.tf以配置 ParallelCluster 和 AWS 提供程序。

    provider "aws" { region = var.region profile = var.profile } provider "aws-parallelcluster" { region = var.region profile = var.profile api_stack_name = var.api_stack_name use_user_role = true }
  4. 使用 ParallelCluster模块创建文件main.tf以定义资源。

    module "pcluster" { source = "aws-tf/parallelcluster/aws" version = "1.0.0" region = var.region api_stack_name = var.api_stack_name api_version = var.api_version deploy_pcluster_api = false template_vars = local.config_vars cluster_configs = local.cluster_configs config_path = "config/clusters.yaml" }
  5. 创建文件clusters.tf以将多个集群定义为 Terraform 局部变量。




    要查看您可以为创建集群设置的选项,请参阅pcluster create-cluster

    locals { cluster_configs = { DemoCluster01 : { region : local.config_vars.region rollbackOnFailure : false validationFailureLevel : "WARNING" suppressValidators : [ "type:KeyPairValidator" ] configuration : { Region : local.config_vars.region Image : { Os : "alinux2" } HeadNode : { InstanceType : "t3.small" Networking : { SubnetId : local.config_vars.subnet } Iam : { AdditionalIamPolicies : [ { Policy : "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" } ] } } Scheduling : { Scheduler : "slurm" SlurmQueues : [{ Name : "queue1" CapacityType : "ONDEMAND" Networking : { SubnetIds : [local.config_vars.subnet] } Iam : { AdditionalIamPolicies : [ { Policy : "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" } ] } ComputeResources : [{ Name : "compute" InstanceType : "t3.small" MinCount : "1" MaxCount : "4" }] }] SlurmSettings : { QueueUpdateStrategy : "TERMINATE" } } } } DemoCluster02 : { configuration : "config/cluster_config.yaml" } } }
  6. 创建文件config/clusters.yaml以将多个集群定义为 YAML 配置。

    DemoCluster03: region: ${region} rollbackOnFailure: true validationFailureLevel: WARNING suppressValidators: - type:KeyPairValidator configuration: config/cluster_config.yaml DemoCluster04: region: ${region} rollbackOnFailure: false configuration: config/cluster_config.yaml
  7. 创建文件config/cluster_config.yaml,这是一个标准 ParallelCluster 配置文件,可以在其中注入 Terraform 变量。


    Region: ${region} Image: Os: alinux2 HeadNode: InstanceType: t3.small Networking: SubnetId: ${subnet} Iam: AdditionalIamPolicies: - Policy: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore Scheduling: Scheduler: slurm SlurmQueues: - Name: queue1 CapacityType: ONDEMAND Networking: SubnetIds: - ${subnet} Iam: AdditionalIamPolicies: - Policy: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore ComputeResources: - Name: compute InstanceType: t3.small MinCount: 1 MaxCount: 5 SlurmSettings: QueueUpdateStrategy: TERMINATE
  8. 创建文件clusters_vars.tf以定义可以注入到集群配置中的变量。



    locals { config_vars = { subnet = var.subnet_id region = var.cluster_region } }
  9. 创建文件variables.tf以定义可以为此项目注入的变量。

    variable "region" { description = "The region the ParallelCluster API is deployed in." type = string default = "us-east-1" } variable "cluster_region" { description = "The region the clusters will be deployed in." type = string default = "us-east-1" } variable "profile" { type = string description = "The AWS profile used to deploy the clusters." default = null } variable "subnet_id" { type = string description = "The id of the subnet to be used for the ParallelCluster instances." } variable "api_stack_name" { type = string description = "The name of the CloudFormation stack used to deploy the ParallelCluster API." default = "ParallelCluster" } variable "api_version" { type = string description = "The version of the ParallelCluster API." }
  10. 创建文件terraform.tfvars以设置变量的任意值。

    下面的文件使用现有 ParallelCluster API 3.10.0 在子网eu-west-1中部署集群subnet-123456789,该API 3.10.0 已使用堆栈名称部署在子网中us-east-1MyParallelClusterAPI-310

    region = "us-east-1" api_stack_name = "MyParallelClusterAPI-310" api_version = "3.10.0" cluster_region = "eu-west-1" subnet_id = "subnet-123456789"
  11. 创建文件outputs.tf以定义此项目返回的输出。

    output "clusters" { value = module.pcluster.clusters }


    my-clusters ├── config │ ├── cluster_config.yaml - Cluster configuration, where terraform variables can be injected.. │ └── clusters.yaml - File listing all the clusters to deploy. ├── clusters.tf - Clusters defined as Terraform local variables. ├── clusters_vars.tf - Variables that can be injected into cluster configurations. ├── main.tf - Terraform entrypoint where the ParallelCluster module is configured. ├── outputs.tf - Defines the cluster as a Terraform output. ├── providers.tf - Configures the providers: ParallelCluster and AWS. ├── terraform.tf - Import the ParallelCluster provider. ├── terraform.tfvars - Defines values for variables, e.g. region, PCAPI stack name. └── variables.tf - Defines the variables, e.g. region, PCAPI stack name.


要部署集群,请按顺序运行标准的 Terraform 命令。


此示例假设您已经在账户中部署了 ParallelCluster API。

  1. 构建项目:

    terraform init
  2. 定义部署计划:

    terraform plan -out tfplan
  3. 部署计划:

    terraform apply tfplan

使用集群部署 ParallelCluster API

如果您尚未部署 ParallelCluster API,但想将其与集群一起部署,请更改以下文件:

  • main.tf

    module "pcluster" { source = "aws-tf/aws/parallelcluster" version = "1.0.0" region = var.region api_stack_name = var.api_stack_name api_version = var.api_version deploy_pcluster_api = true template_vars = local.config_vars cluster_configs = local.cluster_configs config_path = "config/clusters.yaml" }
  • providers.tf

    provider "aws-parallelcluster" { region = var.region profile = var.profile endpoint = module.pcluster.pcluster_api_stack_outputs.ParallelClusterApiInvokeUrl role_arn = module.pcluster.pcluster_api_stack_outputs.ParallelClusterApiUserRole }


您需要以下权限才能使用 Terraform 部署集群:

  • 担任 ParallelCluster API 角色,该角色负责与 ParallelCluster API 交互

  • 描述 ParallelCluster API 的 AWS CloudFormation 堆栈以验证其存在并检索其参数和输出

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Resource": "arn:PARTITION:iam::ACCOUNT:role/PCAPIUserRole-*", "Effect": "Allow", "Sid": "AssumePCAPIUserRole" }, { "Action": [ "cloudformation:DescribeStacks" ], "Resource": "arn:PARTITION:cloudformation:REGION:ACCOUNT:stack/*", "Effect": "Allow", "Sid": "CloudFormation" } ] }