处理嵌套属性 - AWS SDK for Java 2.x



DynamoDB 中的嵌套属性嵌入在另一个属性中,例如列表元素和映射条目。

在 Java 中,DynamoDB 嵌套属性对应于 ListMap 类的成员。它还对应于复杂类型的实例,例如 AddressPhoneNumber,如用于以下 Person 类中。

@DynamoDbBean public class Person { Integer id; String firstName; String lastName; Integer age; Map<String, Address> addresses; List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers; List<String> hobbies; @DynamoDbPartitionKey public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public Integer getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(Integer age) { this.age = age; } public Map<String, Address> getAddresses() { return addresses; } public void setAddresses(Map<String, Address> addresses) { this.addresses = addresses; } public List<PhoneNumber> getPhoneNumbers() { return phoneNumbers; } public void setPhoneNumbers(List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers) { this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers; } public List<String> getHobbies() { return hobbies; } public void setHobbies(List<String> hobbies) { this.hobbies = hobbies; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person{" + "id=" + id + ", firstName='" + firstName + '\'' + ", lastName='" + lastName + '\'' + ", age=" + age + ", addresses=" + addresses + ", phoneNumbers=" + phoneNumbers + ", hobbies=" + hobbies + '}'; } }
@DynamoDbBean public class Address { private String street; private String city; private String state; private String zipCode; public Address() { } public String getStreet() { return this.street; } public String getCity() { return this.city; } public String getState() { return this.state; } public String getZipCode() { return this.zipCode; } public void setStreet(String street) { this.street = street; } public void setCity(String city) { this.city = city; } public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } public void setZipCode(String zipCode) { this.zipCode = zipCode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Address address = (Address) o; return Objects.equals(street, address.street) && Objects.equals(city, address.city) && Objects.equals(state, address.state) && Objects.equals(zipCode, address.zipCode); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(street, city, state, zipCode); } @Override public String toString() { return "Address{" + "street='" + street + '\'' + ", city='" + city + '\'' + ", state='" + state + '\'' + ", zipCode='" + zipCode + '\'' + '}'; } }
@DynamoDbBean public class PhoneNumber { String type; String number; public String getType() { return type; } public void setType(String type) { this.type = type; } public String getNumber() { return number; } public void setNumber(String number) { this.number = number; } @Override public String toString() { return "PhoneNumber{" + "type='" + type + '\'' + ", number='" + number + '\'' + '}'; } }



您可以通过注释来保存自定义类的嵌套属性。前面显示的 Address 类和 PhoneNumber 类仅使用 @DynamoDbBean 注释进行注释。当 DynamoDB 增强型客户端 API 使用以下代码段为 Person 类生成表架构时,API 会发现 AddressPhoneNumber 类的使用,并生成相应的映射以与 DynamoDB 结合使用。

TableSchema<Person> personTableSchema = TableSchema.fromBean(Person.class);



AddressPhoneNumber 类的表架构是抽象的,不能与 DynamoDB 表一起使用。这是因为它们缺少主键的定义。但是,它们在 Person 类的表架构中用作嵌套架构。

在注释行 1 和 2 之后的 PERSON_TABLE_SCHEMA 定义中,显示了使用抽象表架构的代码。在 EnhanceType.documentOf(...) 方法中使用 documentOf 并不表示该方法将返回增强型文档 API 的 EnhancedDocument 类型。在此上下文中,documentOf(...) 方法将返回一个对象,该对象知道如何使用表架构参数,在其类参数和 DynamoDB 表属性之间进行映射。

// Abstract table schema that cannot be used to work with a DynamoDB table, // but can be used as a nested schema. public static final TableSchema<Address> TABLE_SCHEMA_ADDRESS = TableSchema.builder(Address.class) .newItemSupplier(Address::new) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("street") .getter(Address::getStreet) .setter(Address::setStreet)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("city") .getter(Address::getCity) .setter(Address::setCity)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("zipcode") .getter(Address::getZipCode) .setter(Address::setZipCode)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("state") .getter(Address::getState) .setter(Address::setState)) .build(); // Abstract table schema that cannot be used to work with a DynamoDB table, // but can be used as a nested schema. public static final TableSchema<PhoneNumber> TABLE_SCHEMA_PHONENUMBER = TableSchema.builder(PhoneNumber.class) .newItemSupplier(PhoneNumber::new) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("type") .getter(PhoneNumber::getType) .setter(PhoneNumber::setType)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("number") .getter(PhoneNumber::getNumber) .setter(PhoneNumber::setNumber)) .build(); // A static table schema that can be used with a DynamoDB table. // The table schema contains two nested schemas that are used to perform mapping to/from DynamoDB. public static final TableSchema<Person> PERSON_TABLE_SCHEMA = TableSchema.builder(Person.class) .newItemSupplier(Person::new) .addAttribute(Integer.class, a -> a.name("id") .getter(Person::getId) .setter(Person::setId) .addTag(StaticAttributeTags.primaryPartitionKey())) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("firstName") .getter(Person::getFirstName) .setter(Person::setFirstName)) .addAttribute(String.class, a -> a.name("lastName") .getter(Person::getLastName) .setter(Person::setLastName)) .addAttribute(Integer.class, a -> a.name("age") .getter(Person::getAge) .setter(Person::setAge)) .addAttribute(EnhancedType.listOf(String.class), a -> a.name("hobbies") .getter(Person::getHobbies) .setter(Person::setHobbies)) .addAttribute(EnhancedType.mapOf( EnhancedType.of(String.class), // 1. Use mapping functionality of the Address table schema. EnhancedType.documentOf(Address.class, TABLE_SCHEMA_ADDRESS)), a -> a.name("addresses") .getter(Person::getAddresses) .setter(Person::setAddresses)) .addAttribute(EnhancedType.listOf( // 2. Use mapping functionality of the PhoneNumber table schema. EnhancedType.documentOf(PhoneNumber.class, TABLE_SCHEMA_PHONENUMBER)), a -> a.name("phoneNumbers") .getter(Person::getPhoneNumbers) .setter(Person::setPhoneNumbers)) .build();


对于 query()scan() 方法,您可以使用 addNestedAttributeToProject()attributesToProject() 之类的方法调用来指定要在结果中返回哪些属性。在发送请求之前,DynamoDB 增强型客户端 API 会将 Java 方法调用参数转换为投影表达式

以下示例在 Person 表中填充两个项目,然后执行三个扫描操作。


第二个扫描使用 addNestedAttributeToProject() 生成器方法仅返回 street 属性值。

第三个扫描操作使用 attributesToProject() 生成器方法返回第一级属性 hobbies 的数据。hobbies 的属性类型是列表。要访问单个列表项目,请对列表执行 get() 操作。

personDynamoDbTable = getDynamoDbEnhancedClient().table("Person", PERSON_TABLE_SCHEMA); PersonUtils.createPersonTable(personDynamoDbTable, getDynamoDbClient()); // Use a utility class to add items to the Person table. List<Person> personList = PersonUtils.getItemsForCount(2); // This utility method performs a put against DynamoDB to save the instances in the list argument. PersonUtils.putCollection(getDynamoDbEnhancedClient(), personList, personDynamoDbTable); // The first scan logs all items in the table to compare to the results of the subsequent scans. final PageIterable<Person> allItems = personDynamoDbTable.scan(); allItems.items().forEach(p -> // 1. Log what is in the table. logger.info(p.toString())); // Scan for nested attributes. PageIterable<Person> streetScanResult = personDynamoDbTable.scan(b -> b // Use the 'addNestedAttributeToProject()' or 'addNestedAttributesToProject()' to access data nested in maps in DynamoDB. .addNestedAttributeToProject( NestedAttributeName.create("addresses", "work", "street") )); streetScanResult.items().forEach(p -> //2. Log the results of requesting nested attributes. logger.info(p.toString())); // Scan for a top-level list attribute. PageIterable<Person> phoneNumbersScanResult = personDynamoDbTable.scan(b -> b // Use the 'attributesToProject()' method to access first-level attributes. .attributesToProject("hobbies")); phoneNumbersScanResult.items().forEach((p) -> { // 3. Log the results of the request for the 'hobbies' attribute. logger.info(p.toString()); // To access an item in a list, first get the parent attribute, 'hobbies', then access items in the list. String hobby = p.getHobbies().get(1); // 4. Log an item in the list. logger.info(hobby); });
// Logged results from comment line 1. Person{id=2, firstName='first name 2', lastName='last name 2', age=11, addresses={work=Address{street='street 21', city='city 21', state='state 21', zipCode='33333'}, home=Address{street='street 2', city='city 2', state='state 2', zipCode='22222'}}, phoneNumbers=[PhoneNumber{type='home', number='222-222-2222'}, PhoneNumber{type='work', number='333-333-3333'}], hobbies=[hobby 2, hobby 21]} Person{id=1, firstName='first name 1', lastName='last name 1', age=11, addresses={work=Address{street='street 11', city='city 11', state='state 11', zipCode='22222'}, home=Address{street='street 1', city='city 1', state='state 1', zipCode='11111'}}, phoneNumbers=[PhoneNumber{type='home', number='111-111-1111'}, PhoneNumber{type='work', number='222-222-2222'}], hobbies=[hobby 1, hobby 11]} // Logged results from comment line 2. Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses={work=Address{street='street 21', city='null', state='null', zipCode='null'}}, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=null} Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses={work=Address{street='street 11', city='null', state='null', zipCode='null'}}, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=null} // Logged results from comment lines 3 and 4. Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses=null, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 2, hobby 21]} hobby 21 Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses=null, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 1, hobby 11]} hobby 11

如果 attributesToProject() 方法遵循任何其他用于添加要投影的属性的生成器方法,则提供给 attributesToProject() 的属性名称列表将替换所有其他属性名称。

在以下代码段中,使用 ScanEnhancedRequest 实例执行的扫描仅返回业余爱好数据。

ScanEnhancedRequest lastOverwrites = ScanEnhancedRequest.builder() .addNestedAttributeToProject( NestedAttributeName.create("addresses", "work", "street")) .addAttributeToProject("firstName") // If the 'attributesToProject()' method follows other builder methods that add attributes for projection, // its list of attributes replace all previous attributes. .attributesToProject("hobbies") .build(); PageIterable<Person> hobbiesOnlyResult = personDynamoDbTable.scan(lastOverwrites); hobbiesOnlyResult.items().forEach(p -> logger.info(p.toString())); // Logged results. Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses=null, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 2, hobby 21]} Person{id=null, firstName='null', lastName='null', age=null, addresses=null, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 1, hobby 11]}

以下代码段首先使用 attributesToProject() 方法。此排序保留了请求的所有其他属性。

ScanEnhancedRequest attributesPreserved = ScanEnhancedRequest.builder() // Use 'attributesToProject()' first so that the method call does not replace all other attributes // that you want to project. .attributesToProject("firstName") .addNestedAttributeToProject( NestedAttributeName.create("addresses", "work", "street")) .addAttributeToProject("hobbies") .build(); PageIterable<Person> allAttributesResult = personDynamoDbTable.scan(attributesPreserved); allAttributesResult.items().forEach(p -> logger.info(p.toString())); // Logged results. Person{id=null, firstName='first name 2', lastName='null', age=null, addresses={work=Address{street='street 21', city='null', state='null', zipCode='null'}}, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 2, hobby 21]} Person{id=null, firstName='first name 1', lastName='null', age=null, addresses={work=Address{street='street 11', city='null', state='null', zipCode='null'}}, phoneNumbers=null, hobbies=[hobby 1, hobby 11]}