Data lake foundation - Storage Best Practices for Data and Analytics Applications

Data lake foundation

Amazon S3 provides the foundation for building a data lake, along with integration to other services that can be tailored to your business needs. A common challenge faced by users when building a data lake is the categorization of data and maintaining data across different stages as it goes through the transformation process.

The following figure depicts a sample data lake and the transformation journey data goes through in its lifecycle.

Sample data lake transformation journey

Sample data lake transformation journey

This section provides a recommended bucket strategy for building a data lake foundation.

A data lake can be broadly categorized across four distinct buckets:

  • Raw data – Data ingested from the data sources in the raw data format, which is the immutable copy of the data. This can include structured, semi structured, and unstructured data objects such as databases, backups, archives, JSON, CSV, XML, text files, or images.

  • Transformed – This bucket consists of transformed data normalized to a specific use case for performance improvement and cost reduction. In this stage, data can be transformed into columnar data formats, such as Apache Parquet and Apache ORC, which can be used by Amazon Athena.

  • Curated – The transformed data can be further enriched by blending it with other data sets to provide additional insights. This layer typically contains S3 objects which are optimized for analytics, reporting using Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and loading into massively parallel processing data warehouses such as Amazon Redshift.

  • Logs – This bucket stores process logs for Amazon S3, and other services in the data lake architecture. The logs can include S3 access logs, CloudWatch logs, or CloudTrail logs.

The following table shows a recommended sample folder structure for your data lake per environment. Each environment can have the same folder structure with tags to segregate across each environment.

Recommended sample folder structure for your data lake per environment

Bucket Raw Transformed Curated
Folder /<LOB>/<database-name>/<Table-name>/Partition1/Partition2/.../data files /<LOB>/<database-name>/<Table-name>/Partition1/Partition2/.../data files /<BU>/<database-name>/<Table-name>/Partition1/Partition2/.../data files
Tagging Object level Object level Object level
File format Source defined User defined (Recommended: Apache Parquet) Final processed files (Recommended: Apache Parquet)
Compression Can be applied for cost optimization Snappy Snappy
Lifecycle policy Driven by individual object tags Can have a bucket or object-level policy Driven by individual object tags
Access No user access. Use TBAC to enforce services principals access. Users can have access to the bucket via AWS Lake Formation - AWS IAM Users can have access to this data through AWS Lake Formation to a specific dataset or tables. (Column-level access is enabled and recommended for access policies.)
Partitioning By source process date By business date By business date
File sizes Source-defined User defined (Recommended file size: 128 MB)
  • 128 MB recommended for use by Athena/Spectrum querying

  • Amazon Redshift load: Number of files of roughly equal size, which are a multiple of the total data slices on Amazon Redshift roughly.

    Can range from 1 MB to 1 GB.


It is recommended you follow best practices when defining your bucket strategy for your data lake built on Amazon S3:

  • Buckets names must be unique within a partition. Currently there are three partitions (aws – Standard Regions, aws-cn – China Regions, aws-us-gov – AWS GovCloud (US); however, names can be reused after the buckets are deleted (with several exceptions).

  • Deleted bucket names are not available to reuse immediately; hence, if users want to use a particular bucket name, they should not delete the bucket.

  • All bucket names across all AWS Regions should comply with DNS naming conventions.

  • Buckets can store an unlimited number of objects in a bucket without impacting performance. The objects can be stored in a single bucket or across multiple buckets; however, you cannot create a bucket from within another bucket.

  • Production S3 buckets should be hosted under a different AWS account, separate from non-production workloads.

  • Build an automatic ingestion mechanism to catalog and create the multiple layers of data storage including Raw, Transformed, and Curated.

  • Consider building automatic data classification rules based on schema and data.

  • Consider additional folders within the data lakes, such as reports, downstream applications, or user folders.

  • Enable versioning, if needed, for protection from accidental deletes.

  • Use separate buckets for S3 data which needs to be replicated.