Appendix B: Worksheet for mapping workload environment purposes to hosting environment types - Organizing Your AWS Environment Using Multiple Accounts

Appendix B: Worksheet for mapping workload environment purposes to hosting environment types

You can use the worksheet in this appendix to help you determine where workload environments for a given purpose will be deployed in your overall AWS environment. This worksheet, the worksheet in Appendix C, and the Organizing workload-oriented OUs section are intended to be used together.

Combined, these worksheets and guidance can help your team quickly iterate on and arrive at an informed view of your own approach to organizing your workload-oriented OUs. They can also help inform how you might identify and scope your workload-oriented accounts.

For example, as you complete the worksheets in Appendix B and Appendix C, you should gain a better understanding of:

  • How you expect to position AWS sandbox environments in relation to work done on your corporate desktops and in your AWS development environments.

  • How you expect to generally divide and position your set of AWS development, test, and production environments in relation to your SDLC. Coupled with these best practices, this knowledge should help you refine your set of workload-oriented OUs and help inform the overall scoping of your workload-oriented accounts.

Use the results for internal documentation

Later, as you establish and expand your standards documentation for using AWS, you might find value in publishing the resulting customized table and descriptions internally. Your teams might find value in being able to quickly understand where workload environments for a given purpose are meant to be positioned in your AWS environment.

How to use this worksheet

  1. Review Descriptions of example purposes of workload environments and Description of example types of workload hosting environments. Note how your current on-premises standards and your initial expectations for working in AWS are similar to and different from the examples.

  2. Review the Example worksheet to gain a sense of typical mappings of workload environment purposes to workload hosting environment types. Note where your expectations align with and differ from the examples. Mark where you expect to position workloads of a given purpose.

  3. Make a copy of the Empty worksheet, expand and modify the table by adding, removing, and/or changing rows and columns based on your needs. You can revisit and refine your initial assignments after you complete the worksheet in Appendix C.

  4. Modify the example descriptions to suit your needs.

  5. Use Appendix C to complete a related worksheet to help you document the key attributes of each of your own list of workload hosting environment types.

  6. Update and refine the table and descriptions, based on your initial review of both this worksheet and the worksheet in Appendix C.