映射任意資料 - Amazon DynamoDB



除了支援的 Java 類型之外 (請參閱 適用於 Java 的 DynamoDB Mapper 支援的資料類型),您還可以使用應用程式中未直接映射至 Amazon DynamoDB 類型的類型。若要映射這些類型,您必須提供將複雜類型轉換為 DynamoDB 支援之類型的實作 (反之亦然),並使用 @DynamoDBTypeConverted 註釋來標註複雜類型存取子方法。轉換器程式碼會在儲存或載入物件時轉換資料。它也用於使用複雜類型的所有操作。請注意,在查詢和掃描操作期間比較資料時,會針對 DynamoDB 中所存放的資料進行比較。

例如,請考慮下列可定義本身為 CatalogItemDimension 屬性的 DimensionType 類別。此屬性會將項目維度存放為高度、寬度和厚度。假設您決定將這些項目維度存放為 DynamoDB 中的字串 (例如 8.5x11x.05)。下列範例提供轉換器程式碼,以將 DimensionType 物件轉換為字串以及將字串轉換為 DimensionType


此程式碼範例假設您已根據 在 DynamoDB 中建立資料表,以及載入程式碼範例的資料 一節的說明將資料載入 DynamoDB 的帳戶。

如需執行下列範例的 step-by-step 指示,請參閱Java 程式碼範例

public class DynamoDBMapperExample { static AmazonDynamoDB client; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // Set the AWS region you want to access. Regions usWest2 = Regions.US_WEST_2; client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(usWest2).build(); DimensionType dimType = new DimensionType(); dimType.setHeight("8.00"); dimType.setLength("11.0"); dimType.setThickness("1.0"); Book book = new Book(); book.setId(502); book.setTitle("Book 502"); book.setISBN("555-5555555555"); book.setBookAuthors(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Author1", "Author2"))); book.setDimensions(dimType); DynamoDBMapper mapper = new DynamoDBMapper(client); mapper.save(book); Book bookRetrieved = mapper.load(Book.class, 502); System.out.println("Book info: " + "\n" + bookRetrieved); bookRetrieved.getDimensions().setHeight("9.0"); bookRetrieved.getDimensions().setLength("12.0"); bookRetrieved.getDimensions().setThickness("2.0"); mapper.save(bookRetrieved); bookRetrieved = mapper.load(Book.class, 502); System.out.println("Updated book info: " + "\n" + bookRetrieved); } @DynamoDBTable(tableName = "ProductCatalog") public static class Book { private int id; private String title; private String ISBN; private Set<String> bookAuthors; private DimensionType dimensionType; // Partition key @DynamoDBHashKey(attributeName = "Id") public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } @DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = "Title") public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } @DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = "ISBN") public String getISBN() { return ISBN; } public void setISBN(String ISBN) { this.ISBN = ISBN; } @DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = "Authors") public Set<String> getBookAuthors() { return bookAuthors; } public void setBookAuthors(Set<String> bookAuthors) { this.bookAuthors = bookAuthors; } @DynamoDBTypeConverted(converter = DimensionTypeConverter.class) @DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = "Dimensions") public DimensionType getDimensions() { return dimensionType; } @DynamoDBAttribute(attributeName = "Dimensions") public void setDimensions(DimensionType dimensionType) { this.dimensionType = dimensionType; } @Override public String toString() { return "Book [ISBN=" + ISBN + ", bookAuthors=" + bookAuthors + ", dimensionType= " + dimensionType.getHeight() + " X " + dimensionType.getLength() + " X " + dimensionType.getThickness() + ", Id=" + id + ", Title=" + title + "]"; } } static public class DimensionType { private String length; private String height; private String thickness; public String getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(String length) { this.length = length; } public String getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(String height) { this.height = height; } public String getThickness() { return thickness; } public void setThickness(String thickness) { this.thickness = thickness; } } // Converts the complex type DimensionType to a string and vice-versa. static public class DimensionTypeConverter implements DynamoDBTypeConverter<String, DimensionType> { @Override public String convert(DimensionType object) { DimensionType itemDimensions = (DimensionType) object; String dimension = null; try { if (itemDimensions != null) { dimension = String.format("%s x %s x %s", itemDimensions.getLength(), itemDimensions.getHeight(), itemDimensions.getThickness()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return dimension; } @Override public DimensionType unconvert(String s) { DimensionType itemDimension = new DimensionType(); try { if (s != null && s.length() != 0) { String[] data = s.split("x"); itemDimension.setLength(data[0].trim()); itemDimension.setHeight(data[1].trim()); itemDimension.setThickness(data[2].trim()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return itemDimension; } } }