DocumentAttributeBoostingConfiguration - Amazon Q Business


Provides information on boosting supported Amazon Q Business document attribute types. When an end user chat query matches document attributes that have been boosted, Amazon Q Business prioritizes generating responses from content that matches the boosted document attributes.


For STRING and STRING_LIST type document attributes to be used for boosting on the console and the API, they must be enabled for search using the DocumentAttributeConfiguration object of the UpdateIndex API. If you haven't enabled searching on these attributes, you can't boost attributes of these data types on either the console or the API.

For more information on how boosting document attributes work in Amazon Q Business, see Boosting using document attributes.



This data type is a UNION, so only one of the following members can be specified when used or returned.


Provides information on boosting DATE type document attributes.

Type: DateAttributeBoostingConfiguration object

Required: No


Provides information on boosting NUMBER type document attributes.

Type: NumberAttributeBoostingConfiguration object

Required: No


Provides information on boosting STRING type document attributes.

Type: StringAttributeBoostingConfiguration object

Required: No


Provides information on boosting STRING_LIST type document attributes.

Type: StringListAttributeBoostingConfiguration object

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: