Configuring container pipelines - AWS App2Container

Configuring container pipelines

This topic contains information about the files that you use to configure continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for your application container with CodePipeline, Jenkins, or Microsoft Azure DevOps.

Pipeline configuration files

pipeline.json file

When you run the generate app-deployment command, App2Container creates a pipeline.json file for the application that the --application-id parameter specifies. The generate pipeline command uses this file, along with others, to generate pipeline deployment artifacts. Before you run the generate pipeline command, you can configure any of the fields in this file to customize your application container pipeline.


The pipeline.json file includes sections for all of the types of pipelines that you can configure. This includes CodePipeline, Jenkins, and Microsoft Azure DevOps.

Configure exactly one source repository, and one type of pipeline. In each section, set one Boolean value enabled flag to true, and all others to false. For Jenkins pipelines, you can choose to use either a CodeCommit repository, or an existing Git repository.

  • sourceInfo

    • CodeCommit – enabled: true

    • ExistingGitRepo – enabled: false

    • AzureRepo – enabled: false

  • pipelineInfo

    • CodePipeline – enabled: true

    • Jenkins – enabled: false

    • AzureDevOps – enabled: false

  • sourceInfo

    • CodeCommit – enabled: false

    • ExistingGitRepo – enabled: true

    • AzureRepo – enabled: false

  • pipelineInfo

    • CodePipeline – enabled: false

    • Jenkins – enabled: true

    • AzureDevOps – enabled: false

Microsoft Azure DevOps
  • sourceInfo

    • CodeCommit – enabled: false

    • ExistingGitRepo – enabled: false

    • AzureRepo – enabled: true

  • pipelineInfo

    • CodePipeline – enabled: false

    • Jenkins – enabled: false

    • AzureDevOps – enabled: true

App2Container enables CodeCommit as the source repository, and CodePipeline as the pipeline by default.

The application pipeline.json file includes the following content. While all fields are configurable, the a2CTemplateVersion field should not be changed. For key/value pairs that do not apply to your pipeline, set string values to an empty string, numeric values to zero, and Boolean values to false.

  • imageInfo (object) – Contains parameters needed for Amazon ECR configuration.

    • image (string, required) – The full repository name of the application container image to store in Amazon ECR. Must be in the format <application ID>.<repository name>:<tag>.

  • sourceInfo (object) – Contains JSON objects for pipeline source repository configuration for CodePipeline or Jenkins pipelines. CodePipeline uses CodeCommit for its source repository, while Jenkins uses Git.

    • CodeCommit (object) – Contains parameters needed for AWS CodeCommit configuration.

      • enabled (Boolean, required) – A flag that indicates if you are targeting CodeCommit as the source repository for your pipeline.

      • repositoryName (string, required) – The name of the CodeCommit repository to use or create.

      • branch (string, required) – The name of the code branch in the CodeCommit repository to commit to.

    • ExistingGitRepo (object) – Contains parameters needed for Git repository configuration.

      • enabled (Boolean, required) – A flag that indicates if you are targeting Git as the source repository for your pipeline.

      • repositoryUri (string, required) – The URI of the Git repository to use for your pipeline. SSH access is required.

      • branch (string, required) – The name of the code branch in the Git repository to commit to.

      • sshKeyArn (string, required) – The ARN of the secret in Secrets Manager that is used to store the user name and SSH key for Git authentication from the Jenkins server.

    • AzureRepo (object) – Contains parameters to specify the Azure Repos Git repository where App2Container uploads pipeline artifacts for your application.

      • enabled (Boolean, required) – A flag that indicates if you want to use an Azure Repos Git repository as the source repository for an Azure DevOps pipeline that you create.

      • repositoryName (string, required) – The name of the Azure Repos Git repository that you want to use or create.

      • branch (string, required) – The name of the code branch in the Azure Repos Git repository where App2Container commits pipeline resources.

  • releaseInfo (object) – Contains JSON objects with parameters needed to create a pipeline for your target deployment environments.

    • ECS | EKS | AppRunner (object) – Contains JSON objects representing the environments to target for deployment. The key name specifies the container management service that you are targeting for your application container pipeline. Key must be "ECS", "EKS", or "AppRunner". At least one of the pipeline environments must be enabled.

      • beta (object) –

        • clusterName (string, required*) – The name of the Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS cluster to set up in the AWS CloudFormation stack.

        • serviceName (string, required*) – The name of the Amazon ECS service to set up in the AWS CloudFormation stack.

          * Applies only to Amazon ECS pipelines.

        • enabled (Boolean, required) – A flag indicating whether a beta environment should be configured.


        Beta environments are not supported for App Runner.

      • prod (object) –

        • clusterName (string, required*) – The name of the Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS cluster to set up in the AWS CloudFormation stack.

          * Does not apply to App Runner.

        • serviceName (string, required*) – The name of the Amazon ECS service to set up in the AWS CloudFormation stack.

          * Applies only to Amazon ECS pipelines.

        • enabled (Boolean, required) – A flag indicating whether a prod environment should be configured.

  • pipelineInfo (object) – Contains JSON objects with parameters needed to access and configure your target pipeline environments.

    • CodePipeline (object) – Contains parameters needed for CodePipeline configuration.

      • enabled (Boolean, required) – A flag that indicates if you are targeting CodePipeline for your pipeline.

    • Jenkins (object) – Contains parameters needed for Jenkins pipeline access and configuration.

      • enabled (Boolean, required) – A flag that indicates if you are targeting Jenkins for your pipeline.

      • jenkinsServerUrl (string, required) – The URL of the Jenkins server. The URL requires HTTPS protocol for secure access.

      • nodeLabels (array of strings, required) – A list of the labels that must be attached to the Jenkins agent node that runs the pipeline. All labels specified must be present on the agent node for it to run.

      • apiTokenArn (string, required) – The ARN of the secret in Secrets Manager that is used to authenticate to the Jenkins server.

      • repoSshCredentialId (string, required) – The ID that you create on the Jenkins server that the Jenkins agent node uses for SSH access to the Git repository. For more information about SSH credentials on Jenkins, see the Using credentials chapter in the Jenkins User Handbook, available online..

      • awsCredentialId (string, required) – The AWS profile on the Jenkins server that is used to access AWS resources from the Jenkins agent node when the pipeline runs.

    • AzureDevOps (object) – Contains parameters that you need to access and configure your Azure DevOps pipeline.

      • enabled (Boolean, required) – A flag that indicates if you want App2Container to use Azure DevOps to set up your CI/CD pipeline.

      • organizationName (string, required) – The name of the organization that you set up under your Microsoft Azure account for Azure DevOps.

      • projectName (string, required) – The name of the project that you set up under your Microsoft Azure account for Azure DevOps.

      • serviceCredName (string, required) – The name of the service credentials that Azure DevOps uses to connect to AWS.

      • agentPoolName (string, required) – The name of the agent pool with the Microsoft-hosted agents that your pipeline uses to build and deploy updated container images for your application.

      • personalAccessTokenARN (string, required) – The ARN that identifies the Secrets Manager secret where you store your Microsoft Azure Personal Access Token (PAT).


The following example shows a pipeline.json file that uses the CodePipeline environment as the pipeline for an IIS application that runs on Windows. The application runs in a beta environment, and there is no prod environment configured yet.

{ "a2CTemplateVersion": "3.1", "imageInfo": { "image": "" }, "sourceInfo": { "CodeCommit": { "repositoryName": "app2container-iis-smarts-51d2dbf8-ecs", "branch": "master" } }, "releaseInfo": { "ECS": { "beta": { "clusterName": "a2c-iis-smarts-51d2dbf8-ECS-Cluster", "serviceName": "a2c-iis-smarts-51d2dbf8-ECS-LBWebAppStack-1EB23FI45ZYXW-Service-1mnoPQRS2Tu3", "enabled": true }, "prod": { "clusterName": "", "serviceName": "", "enabled": false } } } }

The following example shows a pipeline.json file that uses the Jenkins environment as the pipeline for an IIS application that runs on Windows.

{ "a2CTemplateVersion": "1.0", "imageInfo": { "image": "" }, "sourceInfo": { "CodeCommit": { "enabled": false, "repositoryName": "", "branch": "" }, "ExistingGitRepo": { "enabled": true, "repositoryUri": "", "branch": "master", "sshKeyArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789075:secret:test-We6XCm" } }, "releaseInfo": { "ECS": { "beta": { "clusterName": "a2c-iis-smarts-51d2dbf8-ECS-Cluster", "serviceName": "a2c-iis-smarts-51d2dbf8-ECS-LBWebAppStack-1EB23FI45ZYXW-Service-1mnoPQRS2Tu3", "enabled": true }, "prod": { "clusterName": "", "serviceName": "", "enabled": false } } }, "resourceTags": [ { "key": "example-key", "value": "example-value" } ], "pipelineInfo": { "CodePipeline": { "enabled": false }, "Jenkins": { "enabled": true, "jenkinsServerUrl": "", "nodeLabels": [ "windows2019", "beta" ], "apiTokenArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789076:secret:test-We6XCm", "repoSshCredentialId": "12345678-90a1-23bc-de45-f67a123bc45d", "awsCredentialId": "beta-tester" } } }

The following example shows a pipeline.json file that uses Microsoft Azure DevOps as the pipeline for a Java application that runs on Linux.

{ "a2CTemplateVersion": "1.0", "imageInfo": { "image": "" }, "sourceInfo": { "CodeCommit": { "enabled": false, "repositoryName": "a2c-java-tomcat-9e8e4799-ecs", "branch": "master" }, "ExistingGitRepo": { "enabled": false, "repositoryUri": "", "branch": "", "sshKeyArn": "" }, "AzureRepo": { "enabled": true, "repositoryName": "a2c-java-tomcat-9e8e4799", "branch": "main" } }, "releaseInfo": { "ECS": { "beta": { "clusterName": "a2c-java-tomcat-9e8e4799-ECS-Cluster", "serviceName": "a2c-java-tomcat-9e8e4799-ECS-JavaStack-1AB23CD45ZYXW-Service-1abcPQRS2Tu3", "enabled": true }, "prod": { "clusterName": "", "serviceName": "", "enabled": false } } }, "resourceTags": [{ "key": "example-key", "value": "example-value" }], "pipelineInfo": { "CodePipeline": { "enabled": false }, "Jenkins": { "enabled": false, "jenkinsServerUrl": "", "nodeLabels": [], "apiTokenArn": "", "repoSshCredentialId": "", "awsCredentialId": "" }, "AzureDevOps": { "enabled": true, "organizationName": "App2Container", "projectName": "a2c-java-tomcat-9e8e4799-project", "serviceCredName": "azure-devops-to-aws-creds", "agentPoolName": "Azure Pipelines", "personalAccessTokenARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:12345678:secret:APP2CONTAINER-PAT" } } }