您可以使用 AWS AppSync 函數和解析程式,在 中的 Amazon Bedrock 上叫用模型 AWS 帳戶。您可以在將請求承載傳回給用戶端之前,從模型調用函數中塑造請求承載和回應。您可以使用 Amazon Bedrock 執行時間的 InvokeModel
API 或 Converse
API。本節說明支援 Amazon Bedrock 操作的請求。
AWS AppSync 僅支援在 10 秒內完成的同步調用。無法呼叫 Amazon Bedrock 的串流 APIs。 AWS AppSync 僅支援在與 AWS AppSync API 相同的區域中叫用基礎模型和推論描述檔。
請求物件可讓您與 Amazon Bedrock 的 InvokeModel
API 互動。
type BedrockInvokeModelRequest = {
operation: 'InvokeModel';
modelId: string;
body: any;
guardrailIdentifier?: string;
guardrailVersion?: string;
guardrailTrace?: string;
請求物件可讓您與 Amazon Bedrock 的 Converse
API 互動。
type BedrockConverseRequest = {
operation: 'Converse';
modelId: string;
messages: BedrockMessage[];
additionalModelRequestFields?: any;
additionalModelResponseFieldPaths?: string[];
guardrailConfig?: BedrockGuardrailConfig;
inferenceConfig?: BedrockInferenceConfig;
promptVariables?: { [key: string]: BedrockPromptVariableValues }[];
system?: BedrockSystemContent[];
toolConfig?: BedrockToolConfig;
如需詳細資訊,請參閱本主題稍後的 類型參考一節。
您可以從函數和解析程式直接建置請求物件,或使用 @aws-appsync/utils/ai 的協助程式函數來建立請求。在請求中指定模型 ID (modelId) 時,您可以使用模型 ID 或模型 ARN。
下列範例使用 invokeModel
函數,使用 Amazon Titan Text G1 - Lite (amazon.titan-text-lite-v1) 來摘要文字。設定的護欄用於識別和封鎖或篩選提示流程中不需要的內容。請參閱 Amazon Bedrock 使用者指南,進一步了解 Amazon Bedrock Guardrails。
您負責安全的應用程式開發和防止漏洞,例如提示注入。若要進一步了解,請參閱《Amazon Bedrock 使用者指南》中的提示注入安全性。
import { invokeModel } from '@aws-appsync/utils/ai'
export function request(ctx) {
return invokeModel({
modelId: 'amazon.titan-text-lite-v1',
guardrailIdentifier: "zabcd12345678",
guardrailVersion: "1",
body: { inputText: `Summarize this text in less than 100 words. : \n<text>${ctx.stash.text ?? ctx.env.DEFAULT_TEXT}</text>` },
export function response(ctx) {
return ctx.result.results[0].outputText
下列範例使用具有跨區域推論描述檔 (us.anthropic.claude-3-5-haiku-20241022-v1:0) 的 converse
函數。請參閱 Amazon Bedrock 使用者指南,進一步了解 Amazon Bedrock 推論描述檔的先決條件
import { converse } from '@aws-appsync/utils/ai'
export function request(ctx) {
return converse({
modelId: 'us.anthropic.claude-3-5-haiku-20241022-v1:0',
system: [
text: `
You are a database assistant that provides SQL queries to retrieve data based on a natural language request.
${ctx.args.explain ? 'Explain your answer' : 'Do not explain your answer'}.
Assume a database with the following tables and columns exists:
- customer_id (INT, PRIMARY KEY)
- first_name (VARCHAR)
- last_name (VARCHAR)
- email (VARCHAR)
- phone (VARCHAR)
- address (VARCHAR)
- city (VARCHAR)
- state (VARCHAR)
- zip_code (VARCHAR)
- product_id (INT, PRIMARY KEY)
- product_name (VARCHAR)
- description (TEXT)
- category (VARCHAR)
- price (DECIMAL)
- stock_quantity (INT)
- order_id (INT, PRIMARY KEY)
- customer_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Customers)
- order_date (DATE)
- total_amount (DECIMAL)
- status (VARCHAR)
- order_item_id (INT, PRIMARY KEY)
- product_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Products)
- quantity (INT)
- price (DECIMAL)
- review_id (INT, PRIMARY KEY)
- product_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Products)
- customer_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Customers)
- rating (INT)
- comment (TEXT)
- review_date (DATE)`,
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: [{ text: `<request>${ctx.args.text}:</request>` }],
export function response(ctx) {
return ctx.result.output.message.content[0].text
下列範例使用 converse
import { converse } from '@aws-appsync/utils/ai'
export function request(ctx) {
return generateObject({
modelId: ctx.env.HAIKU3_5, // keep the model in an env variable
prompt: ctx.args.query,
shape: objectType(
sql: stringType('the sql query to execute as a javascript template string.'),
parameters: objectType({}, 'the placeholder parameters for the query, if any.'),
'the sql query to execute along with the place holder parameters',
system: [
text: `
You are a database assistant that provides SQL queries to retrieve data based on a natural language request.
Assume a database with the following tables and columns exists:
guardrailConfig: { guardrailIdentifier: 'iabc12345678', guardrailVersion: 'DRAFT' },
export function response(ctx) {
return toolReponse(ctx.result)
function generateObject(input) {
const { modelId, prompt, shape, ...options } = input
return converse({
messages: [{ role: 'user', content: [{ text: prompt }] }],
toolConfig: {
toolChoice: { tool: { name: 'structured_tool' } },
tools: [
toolSpec: {
name: 'structured_tool',
inputSchema: { json: shape },
function toolReponse(result) {
return result.output.message.content[0].toolUse.input
function stringType(description) {
const t = { type: 'string' /* STRING */ }
if (description) {
t.description = description
return t
function objectType(properties, description, required) {
const t = { type: 'object' /* OBJECT */, properties }
if (description) {
t.description = description
if (required) {
t.required = required
return t
type SQLResult {
sql: String
parameters: AWSJSON
type Query {
db(text: String!): SQLResult
和 查詢:
query db($text: String!) {
db(text: $text) {
"text":"What is my top selling product?"
"data": {
"assist": {
"sql": "SELECT p.product_id, p.product_name, SUM(oi.quantity) as total_quantity_sold\nFROM Products p\nJOIN Order_Items oi ON p.product_id = oi.product_id\nGROUP BY p.product_id, p.product_name\nORDER BY total_quantity_sold DESC\nLIMIT 1;",
"parameters": null
"text":"give me a query to retrieve sensitive information"
"data": {
"db": {
"parameters": null,
"sql": "SELECT null; -- I cannot and will not assist with retrieving sensitive private information"
若要進一步了解如何設定 Amazon Bedrock Guardrails,請參閱《Amazon Bedrock 使用者指南》中的使用 Amazon Bedrock Guardrails 在模型中停止有害內容。
來自 Amazon Bedrock 執行期調用的回應包含在內容的結果屬性 (context.result) 中。回應符合 Amazon Bedrock APIs指定的形狀。如需調用結果預期形狀的詳細資訊,請參閱 Amazon Bedrock 使用者指南。
export function response(ctx) {
return ctx.result
沒有適用於回應物件的必要欄位或形狀限制。不過,由於 GraphQL 是強式輸入,因此解析的回應必須符合預期的 GraphQL 類型。
許多組織目前使用 AWS AppSync 做為 AI 閘道,來建置由 Amazon Bedrock 基礎模型提供支援的生成式 AI 應用程式。客戶使用 AWS AppSync 由 WebSockets 提供支援的訂閱,從長期執行的模型調用中傳回漸進式更新。這可讓它們實作非同步模式。
您的用戶端會啟動訂閱,以設定 WebSocket,並請求 AWS AppSync 觸發生成式 AI 調用。
AWS AppSync 在事件模式下呼叫您的 AWS Lambda 函數,並立即將回應傳回給用戶端。
您的 Lambda 函數會在 Amazon Bedrock 上叫用模型。Lambda 函數可以使用同步 API,例如
,或串流 API,例如InvokeModelWithResponseStream
,以取得漸進式更新。 -
收到更新時,或呼叫完成時,Lambda 函數會透過觸發訂閱的 AWS AppSync API 變動來傳送更新。
訂閱事件會透過 WebSocket 即時傳送並由用戶端接收。

export type BedrockMessage = {
role: 'user' | 'assistant' | string;
content: BedrockMessageContent[];
export type BedrockMessageContent =
| { text: string }
| { guardContent: BedrockGuardContent }
| { toolResult: BedrockToolResult }
| { toolUse: BedrockToolUse };
export type BedrockGuardContent = {
text: BedrockGuardContentText;
export type BedrockGuardContentText = {
text: string;
qualifiers?: ('grounding_source' | 'query' | 'guard_content' | string)[];
export type BedrockToolResult = {
content: BedrockToolResultContent[];
toolUseId: string;
status?: string;
export type BedrockToolResultContent = { json: any } | { text: string };
export type BedrockToolUse = {
input: any;
name: string;
toolUseId: string;
export type ConversePayload = {
modelId: string;
body: any;
guardrailIdentifier?: string;
guardrailVersion?: string;
guardrailTrace?: string;
export type BedrockGuardrailConfig = {
guardrailIdentifier: string;
guardrailVersion: string;
trace: string;
export type BedrockInferenceConfig = {
maxTokens?: number;
temperature?: number;
stopSequences?: string[];
topP?: number;
export type BedrockPromptVariableValues = {
text: string;
export type BedrockToolConfig = {
tools: BedrockTool[];
toolChoice?: BedrockToolChoice;
export type BedrockTool = {
toolSpec: BedrockToolSpec;
export type BedrockToolSpec = {
name: string;
description?: string;
inputSchema: BedrockInputSchema;
export type BedrockInputSchema = {
json: any;
export type BedrockToolChoice =
| { tool: BedrockSpecificToolChoice }
| { auto: any }
| { any: any };
export type BedrockSpecificToolChoice = {
name: string;
export type BedrockSystemContent =
| { guardContent: BedrockGuardContent }
| { text: string };
export type BedrockConverseOutput = {
message?: BedrockMessage;
export type BedrockConverseMetrics = {
latencyMs: number;
export type BedrockTokenUsage = {
inputTokens: number;
outputTokens: number;
totalTokens: number;
export type BedrockConverseTrace = {
guardrail?: BedrockGuardrailTraceAsssessment;
export type BedrockGuardrailTraceAsssessment = {
inputAssessment?: { [key: string]: BedrockGuardrailAssessment };
modelOutput?: string[];
outputAssessments?: { [key: string]: BedrockGuardrailAssessment };
export type BedrockGuardrailAssessment = {
contentPolicy?: BedrockGuardrailContentPolicyAssessment;
contextualGroundingPolicy?: BedrockGuardrailContextualGroundingPolicyAssessment;
invocationMetrics?: BedrockGuardrailInvocationMetrics;
sensitiveInformationPolicy?: BedrockGuardrailSensitiveInformationPolicyAssessment;
topicPolicy?: BedrockGuardrailTopicPolicyAssessment;
wordPolicy?: BedrockGuardrailWordPolicyAssessment;
export type BedrockGuardrailContentPolicyAssessment = {
filters: BedrockGuardrailContentFilter[];
export type BedrockGuardrailContentFilter = {
action: 'BLOCKED' | string;
confidence: 'NONE' | 'LOW' | 'MEDIUM' | 'HIGH' | string;
| 'HATE'
| string;
filterStrength: 'NONE' | 'LOW' | 'MEDIUM' | 'HIGH' | string;
export type BedrockGuardrailContextualGroundingPolicyAssessment = {
filters: BedrockGuardrailContextualGroundingFilter;
export type BedrockGuardrailContextualGroundingFilter = {
action: 'BLOCKED' | 'NONE' | string;
score: number;
threshold: number;
type: 'GROUNDING' | 'RELEVANCE' | string;
export type BedrockGuardrailInvocationMetrics = {
guardrailCoverage?: BedrockGuardrailCoverage;
guardrailProcessingLatency?: number;
usage?: BedrockGuardrailUsage;
export type BedrockGuardrailCoverage = {
textCharacters?: BedrockGuardrailTextCharactersCoverage;
export type BedrockGuardrailTextCharactersCoverage = {
guarded?: number;
total?: number;
export type BedrockGuardrailUsage = {
contentPolicyUnits: number;
contextualGroundingPolicyUnits: number;
sensitiveInformationPolicyFreeUnits: number;
sensitiveInformationPolicyUnits: number;
topicPolicyUnits: number;
wordPolicyUnits: number;
export type BedrockGuardrailSensitiveInformationPolicyAssessment = {
piiEntities: BedrockGuardrailPiiEntityFilter[];
regexes: BedrockGuardrailRegexFilter[];
export type BedrockGuardrailPiiEntityFilter = {
action: 'BLOCKED' | 'ANONYMIZED' | string;
match: string;
| 'AGE'
| 'NAME'
| 'PIN'
| 'URL'
| string;
export type BedrockGuardrailRegexFilter = {
action: 'BLOCKED' | 'ANONYMIZED' | string;
match?: string;
name?: string;
regex?: string;
export type BedrockGuardrailTopicPolicyAssessment = {
topics: BedrockGuardrailTopic[];
export type BedrockGuardrailTopic = {
action: 'BLOCKED' | string;
name: string;
type: 'DENY' | string;
export type BedrockGuardrailWordPolicyAssessment = {
customWords: BedrockGuardrailCustomWord[];
managedWordLists: BedrockGuardrailManagedWord[];
export type BedrockGuardrailCustomWord = {
action: 'BLOCKED' | string;
match: string;
export type BedrockGuardrailManagedWord = {
action: 'BLOCKED' | string;
match: string;
type: 'PROFANITY' | string;