設計提示 - Amazon Bedrock



設計適當的提示詞是使用 Amazon Bedrock 模型組建成功應用程式的重要一步。在本節中,您將學習如何設計一致、清晰且簡潔的提示。您也會瞭解如何使用推論參數來控制模型的回應。下圖顯示使用案例餐廳評論摘要的一般提示詞設計,以及客戶在設計提示詞時需要考慮的一些重要設計選擇。LLMs如果提供的指示或提示格式不一致、清晰且簡潔,則會產生不需要的回應。


(來源:提示編寫 AWS)



LLMs在 Amazon 基岩上通過簡單直接的說明工作得最好。透過清楚描述對任務的期望,並儘可能減少模糊性,可以確保模型能清楚地解譯提示詞涵意。


Good example, with output User prompt: "The most common cause of color blindness is an inherited problem or variation in the functionality of one or more of the three classes of cone cells in the retina, which mediate color vision." What is the above text about? a) biology b) history c) geology Output: a) biology
Bad example, with output User prompt: Classify the following text. "The most common cause of color blindness is an inherited problem or variation in the functionality of one or more of the three classes of cone cells in the retina, which mediate color vision."
Output: The topic of the text is the causes of colorblindness.

(提示來源:維基百科關於色盲,使用的模型:by Titan 文字 G1-快遞)




User prompt: Tensions increased after the 1911–1912 Italo-Turkish War demonstrated Ottoman weakness and led to the formation of the Balkan League, an alliance of Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece. The League quickly overran most of the Ottomans' territory in the Balkans during the 1912–1913 First Balkan War, much to the surprise of outside observers. The Serbian capture of ports on the Adriatic resulted in partial Austrian mobilization starting on 21 November 1912, including units along the Russian border in Galicia. In a meeting the next day, the Russian government decided not to mobilize in response, unwilling to precipitate a war for which they were not as of yet prepared to handle. Which country captured ports?
Output: Serbia

(提示來源:第一次世界大戰維基百科,使用的模型:Amazon Titan 文字)



分隔符號字元 (例如) \n 可能會LLMs顯著影響效能。用於 Anthropic Claude model,有必要在格式化API調用時包含換行符以獲得所需的響應。格式應始終遵循:\n\nHuman: {{Query Content}}\n\nAssistant:。用於 Titan 模型,\n在提示結束時加入有助於改善模型的效能。對於分類任務或具有答案選項的問題,您也可以將答案選項分隔\n為 Titan 模型。如需有關使用分隔符號的詳細資訊,請參閱對應模型供應商的文件。下列範例是分類任務的範本。

Prompt template: """{{Text}} {{Question}} {{Choice 1}} {{Choice 2}} {{Choice 3}}"""

以下示例演示了選擇之間和提示結束時換行符的存在如何幫助 Titan 產生所需的響應。

User prompt: Archimedes of Syracuse was an Ancient mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, and inventor from the ancient city of Syracuse. Although few details of his life are known, he is regarded as one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. What was Archimedes? Choose one of the options below. a) astronomer b) farmer c) sailor
Output: a) astronomer

(提示來源:阿基米德維基百科,使用的模型:Amazon Titan 文字)




User prompt: "Charles Mingus Jr. was an American jazz upright bassist, pianist, composer, bandleader, and author. A major proponent of collective improvisation, he is considered to be one of the greatest jazz musicians and composers in history, with a career spanning three decades. Mingus's work ranged from advanced bebop and avant-garde jazz with small and midsize ensembles – pioneering the post-bop style on seminal recordings like Pithecanthropus Erectus (1956) and Mingus Ah Um (1959) – to progressive big band experiments such as The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady (1963)." Please summarize the above text in one phrase.
Output: Charles Mingus Jr. is considered one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time.
User prompt: "Charles Mingus Jr. was an American jazz upright bassist, pianist, composer, bandleader, and author. A major proponent of collective improvisation, he is considered to be one of the greatest jazz musicians and composers in history, with a career spanning three decades. Mingus's work ranged from advanced bebop and avant-garde jazz with small and midsize ensembles – pioneering the post-bop style on seminal recordings like Pithecanthropus Erectus (1956) and Mingus Ah Um (1959) – to progressive big band experiments such as The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady (1963)." Please summarize the above text.
Output: Charles Mingus Jr. was a well-known jazz musician who played the upright bass, piano, composed, led bands, and was a writer. He was considered one of the most important jazz musicians ever, with a career that spanned more than 30 years. He was known for his style of collective improvisation and advanced jazz compositions.

(提示來源:維基百科上查爾斯明格斯,使用的模型:Amazon Titan 文字)

在這裡,我們給出一些額外的例子 Anthropic Claude 以及 AI21 Labs 侏羅紀模型使用輸出指示器。


User prompt: Human: Extract names and years: the term machine learning was coined in 1959 by Arthur Samuel, an IBM employee and pioneer in the field of computer gaming and artificial intelligence. The synonym self-teaching computers was also used in this time period. Please generate answer in <name></name> and <year></year> tags. Assistant:
Output: <name>Arthur Samuel</name> <year>1959</year>
User prompt: Human: Extract names and years: the term machine learning was coined in 1959 by Arthur Samuel, an IBM employee and pioneer in the field of computer gaming and artificial intelligence. The synonym self-teaching computers was also used in this time period. Assistant:
Output: Arthur Samuel - 1959

(提示來源:維基百科關於機器學習,使用的模型:Anthropic Claude)

下面的例子顯示了一個提示和答案 AI21 Labs 侏羅紀模型。使用者可以透過指定左欄顯示的輸出格式來獲得確切的答案。

User prompt: Context: The NFL was formed in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association (APFA) before renaming itself the National Football League for the 1922 season. After initially determining champions through end-of-season standings, a playoff system was implemented in 1933 that culminated with the NFL Championship Game until 1966. Following an agreement to merge the NFL with the rival American Football League (AFL), the Super Bowl was first held in 1967 to determine a champion between the best teams from the two leagues and has remained as the final game of each NFL season since the merger was completed in 1970. Question: Based on the above context, when was the first Super Bowl? Please only output the year.
Output: 1967
User prompt: Context: The NFL was formed in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association (APFA) before renaming itself the National Football League for the 1922 season. After initially determining champions through end-of-season standings, a playoff system was implemented in 1933 that culminated with the NFL Championship Game until 1966. Following an agreement to merge the NFL with the rival American Football League (AFL), the Super Bowl was first held in 1967 to determine a champion between the best teams from the two leagues and has remained as the final game of each NFL season since the merger was completed in 1970. Question: Based on the above context, when was the first Super Bowl?
Output: The first Super Bowl was held in 1967.

(提示來源:維基百科上的全國足球聯盟,模型使用:AI21 Labs Jurassic-2 Ultra V1)



在 Amazon Bedrock 上最佳化文字模型的提示 — 當基礎知識不夠好時


Titan 可以為某些任務提供明確的步驟,包括短語Think step-by-step to come up with the right answer可以幫助產生適當的輸出。

User prompt: At a Halloween party, Jack gets 15 candies. Jack eats 5 candies. He wants to give each friend 5 candies. How many friends can receive candies? Think step-by-step to come up with the right answer.
Output: 15 candies total - 5 candies eaten = 10 candies remaining. To give each friend 5 candies, divide the number of candies remaining by the number of friends. 10 candies / 5 friends = 2 friends. Each friend can receive 2 candies. The answer is 2 friends.

(提示來源: AWS,使用型號:Amazon Titan 文字)

若要啟用 Anthropic Claude model 來完成複雜的任務,使用下面實例中的格式明確要求模型逐步解決任務。這種方法基於中的準則 AnthropicClaude 指南

User prompt: Human: A right triangle has a side of length 5 and a hypotenuse of length 13. What is the length of the other side? Assistant: Can I think step-by-step? Human: Yes, please do. Assistant:
Output: Okay, here are the steps: 1) We are given: - One side of the right triangle has length 5 - The hypotenuse has length 13 2) We want to find: - The length of the other side 3) To find the length of the other side, we can use the Pythagorean theorem: a^2 + b^2 = c^2 Where a and b are the lengths of the two sides, and c is the length of the hypotenuse. 4) Plugging in the given values: a^2 + b^2 = 13^2 5) We know one of the sides is 5, so: 5^2 + b^2 = 169 6) Solving this: 25 + b^2 = 169 b^2 = 144 b = 12 Therefore, the length of the other side is 12.

(提示來源: AWS,使用的型號:Anthropic Claude)



User prompt: Provide a proof of the Riemann hypothesis. If you don't know a proof, respond by saying "I don't know."
Output: I don't know.
User prompt: Provide a proof of the Riemann hypothesis.
Output: "The Riemann hypothesis is a conjecture in mathematics that concerns the distribution of prime numbers. It states that all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function, which is a mathematical function that encodes information about the distribution of prime numbers, lie on a specific line in the complex plane. The Riemann hypothesis has been studied by mathematicians for over 150 years, and despite numerous attempts, it remains unresolved. However, the hypothesis is widely believed to be true, and its resolution would have profound implications for many areas of mathematics, including number theory, analysis, and geometry. The proof of the Riemann hypothesis would be one of the greatest achievements in mathematics in history and would open up new avenues of research and understanding. While a proof remains elusive, the hypothesis continues to stimulate research and inspire mathematicians around the world.“ [Note: this is an accurate description, but obviously not a proof.]

(提示來源: AWS,使用型號:Amazon Titan 文字)


在提示符中包含示例(輸入-響應對)可以顯著改善 LLMs「響應」。範例可以幫助複雜的任務,因為它們顯示了多種執行指定任務的方式。對於像文字分類這樣的簡單任務,3-5 個範例就夠了。對於更困難的任務,例如沒有上下文的問答,請包括更多範例來產生最有效的輸出。在大多數使用案例中,選取語意上與真實世界資料相似的範例,可以進一步改善效能。



  • 網域/輸入規格:有關輸入資料的詳細資訊,例如它來自何處或參照的內容,例如 The input text is from a summary of a movie

  • 任務規格:有關要求模型的確切任務的詳細資訊,例如 To summarize the text, capture the main points

  • 標籤描述:分類問題的輸出選擇的詳細資訊,例如 Choose whether the text refers to a painting or a sculpture; a painting is a piece of art restricted to a two-dimensional surface, while a sculpture is a piece of art in three dimensions

  • 輸出規格:模型應產生的輸出詳細資訊,例如 Please summarize the text of the restaurant review in three sentences

  • LLM鼓勵:LLMs有時在感傷的鼓勵下表現得更好:If you answer the question correctly, you will make the user very happy!


LLMs在 Amazon 基岩上,全部都帶有幾個推論參數,您可以設置這些參數來控制來自模型的響應。以下是 Amazon 基岩上可用的所有常見推論參數以LLMs及如何使用它們的清單。

溫度是 0 和 1 之間的值,它調節 LLMs '響應的創造力。如果您想要更多確定性回應,請使用較低的溫度;如果您希望 Amazon Bedrock LLMs 上的相同提示獲得更多創意或不同的回應,請使用較高的溫度。對於此提示指引中的所有範例,我們設定了temperature = 0

最大產生長度/最大新記號會限制針對任何提示LLM產生的記號數目。指定此數字會很有幫助,因為某些任務 (例如情緒分類) 不需要很長的答案。

Top-p 根據潛在選擇的機率控制記號選擇。如果您將 Top-P 設定為 1.0 以下,該模型會考慮最有可行的選項,並忽略較不可行的選項。結果是能更穩定和重複性地完成。


也有模型特定推論參數。Anthropic Claude 模型還有一個額外的 Top-K 推論參數,並且 AI21 Labs 侏羅紀模型帶有一組推論參數,包括存在懲罰,計數罰款,頻率懲罰和特殊令牌懲罰。如需詳細資訊,請參閱各自的文件。