EXCEPT 查詢範例 - AWS Clean Rooms



資料庫中的CATEGORY資料表包含下列 11 列:

catid | catgroup | catname | catdesc -------+----------+-----------+-------------------------------------------- 1 | Sports | MLB | Major League Baseball 2 | Sports | NHL | National Hockey League 3 | Sports | NFL | National Football League 4 | Sports | NBA | National Basketball Association 5 | Sports | MLS | Major League Soccer 6 | Shows | Musicals | Musical theatre 7 | Shows | Plays | All non-musical theatre 8 | Shows | Opera | All opera and light opera 9 | Concerts | Pop | All rock and pop music concerts 10 | Concerts | Jazz | All jazz singers and bands 11 | Concerts | Classical | All symphony, concerto, and choir concerts (11 rows)

假設 CATEGORY_STAGE 資料表 (預備資料表) 包含額外的一列:

catid | catgroup | catname | catdesc -------+----------+-----------+-------------------------------------------- 1 | Sports | MLB | Major League Baseball 2 | Sports | NHL | National Hockey League 3 | Sports | NFL | National Football League 4 | Sports | NBA | National Basketball Association 5 | Sports | MLS | Major League Soccer 6 | Shows | Musicals | Musical theatre 7 | Shows | Plays | All non-musical theatre 8 | Shows | Opera | All opera and light opera 9 | Concerts | Pop | All rock and pop music concerts 10 | Concerts | Jazz | All jazz singers and bands 11 | Concerts | Classical | All symphony, concerto, and choir concerts 12 | Concerts | Comedy | All stand up comedy performances (12 rows)

傳回兩個資料表之間的差異。換句話說,傳回位於 CATEGORY_STAGE 資料表但不位於CATEGORY資料表中的資料列:

select * from category_stage except select * from category; catid | catgroup | catname | catdesc -------+----------+---------+---------------------------------- 12 | Concerts | Comedy | All stand up comedy performances (1 row)

下列對等查詢使用同義詞 MINUS。

select * from category_stage minus select * from category; catid | catgroup | catname | catdesc -------+----------+---------+---------------------------------- 12 | Concerts | Comedy | All stand up comedy performances (1 row)
