WITH 子句 - AWS Clean Rooms



WITH 子句是選用的子句,位於查詢中的 SELECT 前面。WITH 子句會定義一個或多個 common_table_expressions。每個通用資料表運算式 (CTE) 都會定義一個暫存資料表,與檢視定義類似。您可以在 FROM 子句中參考這些暫存資料表。這些資料表僅會在其所屬的查詢執行時使用。WITH 子句中的每個 CTE 都會指定資料表名稱、選用的資料欄名稱清單,以及判斷值為資料表的查詢表達式 (SELECT 陳述式)。

WITH 子句子查詢是定義資料表時較有效率的方式,可在執行單一查詢的過程中使用。在所有任何情況下,於 SELECT 陳述式的本體中使用子查詢都可產生相同的結果,但 WITH 子句子查詢對於寫入和讀取來說可能較為簡單。參考多次的 WITH 子句子查詢會盡可能最佳化為通用子表達式;也就是說,或許可以評估 WITH 子查詢一次並重複使用其結果 (請注意,通用子表達式不限於 WITH 子句中所定義者)。


[ WITH common_table_expression [, common_table_expression , ...] ]


CTE_table_name AS ( query )



定義可在 FROM 子句 中參照的暫存資料表,且僅在執行該資料表所屬的查詢期間使用此暫存資料表。


此臨時資料表的唯一名稱會定義 WITH 子句子查詢的結果。您無法在單一 WITH 子句內使用重複的名稱。每個子查詢都必須有可在 FROM 子句 中參考的資料表名稱。


任何 AWS Clean Rooms 支持的 SELECT 查詢。請參閱 SELECT


您可以在下列 SQL 陳述式中使用 WITH 子句:

  • 選取、使用、聯集、交集及除外

如果查詢的 FROM 子句包含 WITH 子句,但未參考 WITH 子句定義的任何資料表,則會忽略 WITH 子句,而查詢會照常執行。

WITH 子句子查詢定義的資料表只能在 WITH 子句開始的 SELECT 查詢範圍內參考。例如,您可以在 SELECT 清單、WHERE 子句或 HAVING 子句中,子查詢的 FROM 子句內參考這類資料表。您無法在子查詢中使用 WITH 子句,並於主查詢或其他子查詢的 FROM 子句內參考其資料表。此查詢模式會針對 WITH 子句資料表產生 relation table_name doesn't exist 形式的錯誤訊息。

您無法在 WITH 子句子查詢內指定另一個 WITH 子句。

您無法對 WITH 子句子查詢定義的資料表進行向前參考。例如,以下查詢會傳回錯誤訊息,因為資料表 W1 的定義中有對資料表 W2 的向前參考:

with w1 as (select * from w2), w2 as (select * from w1) select * from sales; ERROR: relation "w2" does not exist


下列範例顯示包含 WITH 子句的最簡單查詢案例。名為 VENUECOPY 的 WITH 查詢會從 VENUE 資料表選取所有資料列。主查詢會接著從 VENUECOPY 選取所有資料列。VENUECOPY 資料表僅在此查詢期間存在。

with venuecopy as (select * from venue) select * from venuecopy order by 1 limit 10;
venueid | venuename | venuecity | venuestate | venueseats ---------+----------------------------+-----------------+------------+------------ 1 | Toyota Park | Bridgeview | IL | 0 2 | Columbus Crew Stadium | Columbus | OH | 0 3 | RFK Stadium | Washington | DC | 0 4 | CommunityAmerica Ballpark | Kansas City | KS | 0 5 | Gillette Stadium | Foxborough | MA | 68756 6 | New York Giants Stadium | East Rutherford | NJ | 80242 7 | BMO Field | Toronto | ON | 0 8 | The Home Depot Center | Carson | CA | 0 9 | Dick's Sporting Goods Park | Commerce City | CO | 0 v 10 | Pizza Hut Park | Frisco | TX | 0 (10 rows)

下列範例顯示 WITH 子句,它會產生兩個資料表,分別名為 VENUE_SALES 和 TOP_VENUES。第二個 WITH 查詢資料表會從第一個資料表選取。接著主查詢區塊的 WHERE 子句會包含限制 TOP_VENUES 資料表的子查詢。

with venue_sales as (select venuename, venuecity, sum(pricepaid) as venuename_sales from sales, venue, event where venue.venueid=event.venueid and event.eventid=sales.eventid group by venuename, venuecity), top_venues as (select venuename from venue_sales where venuename_sales > 800000) select venuename, venuecity, venuestate, sum(qtysold) as venue_qty, sum(pricepaid) as venue_sales from sales, venue, event where venue.venueid=event.venueid and event.eventid=sales.eventid and venuename in(select venuename from top_venues) group by venuename, venuecity, venuestate order by venuename;
venuename | venuecity | venuestate | venue_qty | venue_sales ------------------------+---------------+------------+-----------+------------- August Wilson Theatre | New York City | NY | 3187 | 1032156.00 Biltmore Theatre | New York City | NY | 2629 | 828981.00 Charles Playhouse | Boston | MA | 2502 | 857031.00 Ethel Barrymore Theatre | New York City | NY | 2828 | 891172.00 Eugene O'Neill Theatre | New York City | NY | 2488 | 828950.00 Greek Theatre | Los Angeles | CA | 2445 | 838918.00 Helen Hayes Theatre | New York City | NY | 2948 | 978765.00 Hilton Theatre | New York City | NY | 2999 | 885686.00 Imperial Theatre | New York City | NY | 2702 | 877993.00 Lunt-Fontanne Theatre | New York City | NY | 3326 | 1115182.00 Majestic Theatre | New York City | NY | 2549 | 894275.00 Nederlander Theatre | New York City | NY | 2934 | 936312.00 Pasadena Playhouse | Pasadena | CA | 2739 | 820435.00 Winter Garden Theatre | New York City | NY | 2838 | 939257.00 (14 rows)

以下兩個範例將示範根據 WITH 子句子查詢的資料表參考範圍規則。第一個查詢會執行,但第二個會失敗,並產生預期的錯誤。第一個查詢會在主查詢的 SELECT 清單內包含 WITH 子句子查詢。WITH 子句定義的資料表 (HOLIDAYS) 會在 SELECT 清單中子查詢的 FROM 子句中參考:

select caldate, sum(pricepaid) as daysales, (with holidays as (select * from date where holiday ='t') select sum(pricepaid) from sales join holidays on sales.dateid=holidays.dateid where caldate='2008-12-25') as dec25sales from sales join date on sales.dateid=date.dateid where caldate in('2008-12-25','2008-12-31') group by caldate order by caldate; caldate | daysales | dec25sales -----------+----------+------------ 2008-12-25 | 70402.00 | 70402.00 2008-12-31 | 12678.00 | 70402.00 (2 rows)

第二個查詢會失敗,因為它會嘗試參考主查詢以及 SELECT 清單子查詢中的 HOLIDAYS 資料表。而主查詢參考超出範圍。

select caldate, sum(pricepaid) as daysales, (with holidays as (select * from date where holiday ='t') select sum(pricepaid) from sales join holidays on sales.dateid=holidays.dateid where caldate='2008-12-25') as dec25sales from sales join holidays on sales.dateid=holidays.dateid where caldate in('2008-12-25','2008-12-31') group by caldate order by caldate; ERROR: relation "holidays" does not exist